A 20 minute Pilates Class | Targeting Shoulder&Upper back | Mobility&Posture workout


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Greetings fellow exhausted Hivers πŸ’ͺ

Hello everyone 😁 This is my first time posting on the EXHAUST community and I'm really happy that today I'll bring you, dear reader, a 20 short minutes pilates class 😊. This is also my first time posting using the 3speak frontend, so today's post is filled with many firsts πŸ˜†.

This particular class is focused on exercises to relieve some tension in our shoulders and upper back as well as building some healthy mobility in that area, especially designed for those of you that spend your day in front of a computer or in a sitting position. I find these six exercises to be fundamental to work if you have any sort of pain or discomfort in your back, shoulder and/or neck.

Before you start, dear reader, please make sure you read the following section as I will leave there some important notes and considerations for you to be able to make fully informed choices. I'll also add up a section where I'll explain in more detailed instructions the movements you'll be seeing in my video. This is important to me as it was hard to say everything I intended during the recording of my video, so I want to make sure I don't leave anything out (note to self - and you're not particularly comfortable in front of a camera).

Lastly, please reach out to me in the comment section if you have any doubts or found any difficulty during the workout. I'll be happy if I can help you! πŸ€“Let's go!πŸ€“

Please read before you start ✍️

Keep in mind that with the involvement in any kind of physical activity there are risks of injury and the absence of a qualified professional presence leaves you, dear reader, as the sole responsible for the conscious use of this content. You are the only one who can acknowledge your own body limits, so please take this opportunity to observe and respect them at all times.

If you have any medical condition, chronic illness or physical limitations/impairments, please check with your physician or health care provider if you have any questions or concerns before doing any type of physical activity.

By engaging in this practice you acknowledge you were informed, therefore made an informed choice. You assume responsibility for any injury caused during the lesson.

Exercises Explained 101 πŸ€—


Source by Pixabay

These next few points are to maintain in all exercises and I'll leave here some more detailed info about each. You will also hear me say this a lot, so it is very important to me that you fully understand what I mean and try your best in following these instructions.

  • Neutral and long spine | Grow towards the ceiling
    Grow towards the ceiling to engage in an active posture. Imagine like a little wire from the back of your head, pulling you up. It is supposed to be comfortable, so just ensure you don't overextend or project your chest to the front. An active posture is mainly about internal small movements rather than an overcompensation or uncomfortable positioning. When you try to grow up to the roof, if you feel discomfort or a sharp pain in the middle of your spine then you're gone too far. You may feel a little warmth in your back from the muscle contraction or even tiredness from being in this position but never pain or major discomfort.
    You should be able to freely breathe in all positions so, even if you can't achieve the "perfect" or intended posture just yet, try your best to slowly activate towards it.

  • Shoulders far from the ears
    This one sounds easy to understand but my experience tells me it's the one most difficult to maintain throughout the exercises. I'll keep warning about this in my video and in the different exercises but feel free to pay extra attention to this and everytime you feel your shoulders going back up just re-activate by bringing your shoulders away from the ears. You'll feel a movement in your shoulder blades that should be down and in.
    Imagine you have really high waisted jeans, now place the tip of your shoulder blades in your back pockets. Now just try to keep them there πŸ˜‰

  • Deep breathing
    This is probably the most important one! Try and maintain a deep breathing through all exercises. Just make sure you're doing your best to inhale deeply and allow the ribs and belly to expand, exhale slowly through your mouth. To ensure you're doing a good deep breathing I suggest checking this previous post I made. Allow your breathing to be your guide for the movement and not the movement guiding your breathing 😊

With that being said, let's go now over the six exercises as I'll leave here some written instructions with a few more added information that I didn't say in the video.

1 - Shoulder circles

This exercise is mainly to warm-up and feel how the movement of your shoulder blades is. If you have a lot of tension you can feel a little "crunchy" and a less fluid movement. Don't forget to breathe deeply while doing this.

Inhale - bring your shoulders up to your ears.
Exhale - circle back and bring your shoulders down, away from the ears.

Please feel and note the contraction that allows your shoulder blades to come down and in. Repeat about 10 times or until movement feels more fluid.

2 - Neck Stretches

This is to relieve some of that shoulder and neck tension so we can work and ask for contractions on the next exercises.

Sit up and maintain an active posture, neutral spine and shoulders far from the ears.
Keep weight well distributed on your buttocks. Body centred.
Pull your right ear aways from the shoulder. Hold it there for a few deep breathings.
Extend your right arm to the side like you want to reach further away. Hold for a few deep breathings.
Exhale and bring your chin towards your chest, still keeping the ear away from your shoulder. Hold again for a few breathings.
Repeat to the other side.

3 - Arm circles

For this one we're building some strength and mobility in our shoulders. Please keep in mind that only our arms move. If your shoulders also go up to the ears as you move your arms up, then you're gone too far. Just do a smaller circle in order to maintain all the posture requirements and progress from that.

Sit up and maintain an active posture, neutral spine and shoulders far from the ears.
Inhale - move your arms up, keeping the shoulders down and maintaining a neutral spine. Keep your shoulder blades in your back pockets.
Exhale - complete the circle with your arms and go back to the center. Repeat 10 times or until you can do a bigger circle.

4 - Cat&Cow

This exercise is one of my absolute favourites. When done correctly, it works the mobility of the entire spine also strengthening the arms and core.

Place your body into a 4-position. Keep alignment of your hands-shoulder and your knees-hips. Body weight is well distributed between knees and hands.
Engage an active posture with a long spine, shoulders far from the ears and push away with your hand a little bit. Maintain it.
Inhale - bring your belly towards the floor and project your chest up and forward, between your arms. Please keep your shoulders down and push away from the floor. Even if it seems like there is not much movement that's ok.
Exhale - bring your chin to the chest and imagine you have a tail and you're going to hide it between your legs. Push the chest away from the floor through your hands.
Let your breathing be your guide, don't force it.

5 - Child's Pose

Ufff, let's take a little break dear reader 😎. Now by break, I mean an active break. So to achieve the best of this stretch follow the instructions above.

From a 4-position push with your hands down and away.
Bring your hips towards your heels.
Place your forehead on the floor/pillow and relax your neck. Just keep your shoulders away from the ears.
Maintain the hand pressure going down and away

If you can't reach your heels or your head can't meet the floor that's ok. Just keep that hand activation and you will eventually get there!

6 - Upper back rotation

I always like to leave the hardest one for last so bear with me dear reader, we are almost finished!

Place in a 4-position. Active posture and neutral spine. Shoulders away from ears. Weight well distributed between knees and hands. Maintain it at all times.
Inhale - bring your right arm up towards the ceiling. You wanna open your chest to the right side.
Exhale - bring your arm down to the center again.

Be gentle with this one. Keep your support arm firm and active. If you feel movement is kinda stuck that's ok, just open your chest to the side as far as you're comfortable with and as long as your spine remains neutral and long, your shoulders away from the ears and weight well distributed. Then, just keep progressing and you'll see a big difference by the end 😁

Final considerations πŸ™Œ

That's it from me today and I really hope everyone enjoyed it or, at least, tried some of these exercises! I always think I'm being repetitive in my pilates classes but I really cannot state these instructions enough as they are really super important to follow. I'm very rigorous and demanding with my students because to me quality of movement is everything! And I really would like to pass on that message to all fellow hivers 😊

Let me know your thoughts about this. Did you enjoy doing them, did your body feel more relaxed afterwards, what major difference did you feel in your body when compared to the beginning? I'm very curious to know and interact to all of you πŸ€—

Lastly, these exercises can be done daily and if you work in front of a computer all day I would really recommend you to do them on a regular basis. Also I really hope this can help other fellow hivers that are currently joining DreemPort 6 week challenge to do that 20 minute physical activity task. πŸ˜‰

Have a great workout! πŸ’ͺ

▢️ 3Speak


This was awesome this evening, thank you so much! You did a fabulous job here with this post. I read everything first and then played the class and did it along with you. The timing was brilliant as my shoulders have been aching today hehe. They crackled a fair bit with these stretches and exercises. Great tip near the end there on grabbing a pillow for child's pose. That was super comfortable😍!ALIVE !LUV !PIZZA


Awesome Sam! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ So glad you find this useful and I really hope you felt more relaxed and less aching in your shoulder afterwards 😁



I did...but even more a positive difference today, thank youβ£οΈπŸ™ !LUV !ALIVE Hope you are loving the challenge too. You are being so supportive x


I didn't think I could love you even more than I already do. I was wrong πŸ˜‰ This is awesome.


Btw, I also promoted this post through Ecency, Margarida. It was far too good not to share far and wide. 😘


Thank you so much! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ I hope more fellow hivers can enjoy it 😁


hehehe 😊 Now you also know my face and voice 😁😁 !LUV


Oh, this is what we need!!! I bookmarked your post :)


Yeeeey thank you so much 😊 Really hope you like it 😍 Let me know how it goes afterwards 😁


yes, I liked it and really seems helpful...

now, will the students do the homework is a question (me, lazy me)


You can do this! The hardest thing is just to start, you'll then see that 20 short minutes goes by so easily and your body will thank you 😁


I know, I know! That is the hardest step, to start and then continue doing the good things!

...there is one state of mind called procrastination...I think I suffer from that hahaha 😁


Hehehe oh yes I know that state of mind quite well πŸ˜†πŸ˜† but you got this! πŸ‘Œ


yes, we all know this state lol πŸ˜‚


Here is a post of posture work out.
This is really helpful
Thank you for sharing.


Hehehe Thank you for taking the time to stop by 😁 I'm very happy you find this useful!


I have Ankylosing Spondylitis so I do perform many of these, but I modify the versions for me.

Congratulations on those firsts. How did you enjoy using 3Speak?

Popped in via #Dreemport


Good for you! Ankylosing Spondylitis is no fun inded but very managable with the right guidance 😊 And yes I would advise for you not to do that last exercise without someone there to check if your pelvis is neutral... But let me know if you find any difficulty!

Thank you so much πŸ™! I enjoyed using 3Speak for sure although is a little different and it took me like 3 or 4h to upload this video... I also didn't know they would set themselfs as beneficiaries on my post so that was unintentional πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ


Thank you, well I have lived with it since I was 12, so know what my body can and can't do by now🀣


I enjoyed watching this. After watching I tried some of them, and it was a nice way to relax the shoulders and body generally. I also like the stretches. I have reblogged this to always have it with me, it will really serve great purpose for the 6six challenge of the @dreemport. Well done


Wow great stretching, just what I needed, thanks so much !!!


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This is really awesome! I enjoyed watching you do the moves effortlessly. This will certainly become one of my physical activities especially on rainy days! I did the first two today and my stiff shoulders are now feeling a lot better. I really love this and bookmarking itπŸ’—

By the way, how is your day going? I hope you are on to checking off another golden star hehe.


Hehehe they may seem effortlessly but on the inside I'm just trembling all over ahahah That's one of the main things I love about Pilates. It really looks easy but when you do it right, respecting and listening to your own body, it can be amazing!

I'm so happy you feel better and less stifness on your shoulders ^^ You can do them as many time as you want or when you feel that stifness building up πŸ€—

Take care and thank you very much for checking in once again (even with my late late replies) 😊


None of that trembling is obvious on your video. You are so natural at it and I loved it honestly. I saved it and will keep doing them when time let me.

It's my pleasure and I hope your day is going well? Have a fantastic time with your team and let's ace the challenge, yeah? πŸ’ͺ


Awesome!! It was my intention for the video to encourage others to do it more than once 😁 Goal achieved!!

My day is starting great, I'm here having these wonderful interactions and replying to everyone, wich is great ^^ In a bit I'll have to go to work and then I will come at the end of the day and hopefully complete all my tasks ^^

Have an amazing tuesday and let's ace it! ❀️


Believe me, I love it :) Thank you for sharing it to the world hehe

I won't take your time today as you are going to head to work so I'm gonna wish you the best and yes, let's ace itπŸ’ͺ


OOOOO I will have to do this at least once this week!!! Thank you❣️

How are you doing today? I just know you're gonna do great whatever you do my friend.



Super proud of you 😍

And...we can do this together.



Ohhh Sam! What beautiful gifs! Thank you so much for the push and encouragement 😁😁😁 I did get my star for the first 2 days but yesterday I wasn't able to complete all... But that's ok! Today I'm commited to do it all ❀️❀️❀️

Hope this week is going great for you! Don't forget to move around 35 minutes today πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ




hey :-) Thank you... I am in the same boat as you... Work was doing my head in yesterday and I have picked up a sore throat and sniffles... πŸ™„ ... and was just too easily distracted because I didn't really feel like exercising or doing work lol.

So, I didn't get around to all my tasks :-(

Although I did encourage a number of people across the other teems yesterday @derBut today I will come back stronger!!! Let's both get that star, shall we? Thank you for the encouragement Margarida ❣️
