[ESP-ENG] Madre | poema reflexivo.


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Madre, te veo mientras duermes luego de una larga jornada laboral donde por fin descansas para mañana volver a tu andar. Veo tu rostro sereno seguro por el orden que reina en casa al mantener todo su lugar y se deja a la vista algunas arrugas pues los años y las preocupaciones no se les olvida pasar factura.

Mother, I see you sleeping after a long day's work where you finally rest to return to your walk tomorrow. I see your serene face safe by the order that reigns at home to keep everything in its place and some wrinkles are left in sight because the years and worries do not forget to take their toll.

Admiro tu incanseble espíritu pues solo tú sabes lidiar con la cocina y el planchado, con la lavada y el piso brillante aún mas que el sol, todo a un ritmo sincronizado como una canción de Beethoven quizás. Eres tan pecfeccionista y no te gusta esperar si no se hace lo que pides con inmediata habilidad. Eres la autoridad en casa y ¡ay de aquel que no haga caso a tu mandato! Pero se que a solas puedes llegar a llorar haciendo una gran ola cual tsunami bestial capaz de arrastrar con todo los malos momentos que en tu mente estan.

I admire your tireless spirit because only you know how to deal with the cooking and ironing, with the washing and the shiny floor even more than the sun, all in a synchronized rhythm like a Beethoven's song perhaps. You are such a perfectionist and you don't like to wait if what you ask for is not done with immediate skill. You are the authority in the house and woe betide anyone who does not heed your command. But I know that alone you can cry, making a great wave like a bestial tsunami capable of sweeping away all the bad moments that are in your mind.



A veces siento que no entiendes mis ganas de salir al mundo y explorar pero luego comprendo que de tus buenos consejos he sabido apartar malas situaciones que pudieron hacer de mi vida una mala pasada. Quizás tu miedo de separarnos te invade o es que tu sexto sentido alerta una vez más algun peligro que asecha como tigre a su presa.

Sometimes I feel that you do not understand my desire to go out into the world and explore, but then I understand that from your good advice I have been able to put aside bad situations that could have made my life a bad experience. Maybe your fear of separating us invades you or it is that your sixth sense alerts once again some danger that stalks like a tiger to its prey.

Madre mía si me faltarás no sabria como actuar ante este mundo cruel que solo tú me has sabido cuidar, ay madre si me dejas no se lo que haría al no tener tus caricias y tu beso en mi mejilla, y es que solo tu alivias mi dolor, eres mi doctora favorita. Contigo todo es más seguro, haces que mis dias nublados también tengan brillo pues tus palabras tan sabias guian mi camino evitando tropezar nuevamente con la piedra. No pretendo hacerte ver como la madre perfecta pues llena de errores estas y es que ¡eres humana mujer, eres humana! seguro es porque no te dieron a tiempo el manual para ser mamá pero ya ¿Qué caso tiene? si al no saber nada de maternidad te las ingeniaste solita para poder criar a unos cuantos muchachitos que voltearon tu mundo patas arriba y que sin mediar palabras te llenaban de besos y abrazos y muchas risas.

My mother if you were to leave me I would not know how to act in this cruel world that only you have known how to take care of me, oh mother if you leave me I don't know what I would do without your caresses and your kiss on my cheek, and it is only you who relieves my pain, you are my favorite doctor. With you everything is safer, you make my cloudy days also have brightness because your words so wise guide my way avoiding to stumble again with the stone. I don't pretend to make you look like the perfect mother because you are full of mistakes and you are human woman, you are human! Surely it is because you were not given in time the manual to be a mom but what's the point? if not knowing anything about motherhood you managed alone to raise a few little boys that turned your world upside down and that without words filled you with kisses and hugs and lots of laughter.

No recuerdo de niño verte enfermar, seguro no tenias tiempo entre tantas tareas del hogar, hoy de grande he podido apreciar que cada vez te duele más tu cuerpo, y tu andar se ha tornado más lento, quizas te falta descansar pues tus pequeños ya crecieron y te quieren ayudar, entre la cocina y la mesa, el planchar y coletear. No te quejes madre mía si no se cocinar, no tengo culpa que tu sazón no la he de heredar, tan solo quiero que descanses y sepas apreciar cuanto te amo madre mia que tan solo es un pequeño tributo para todo lo que me pudiate dar.

I don't remember as a child seeing you getting sick, surely you didn't have time between so many household chores, today as an adult I have noticed that your body hurts more and more, and your walk has become slower, maybe you need to rest because your little ones have grown up and want to help you, between the kitchen and the table, the ironing and the schooling. Don't complain my mother if I don't know how to cook, it's not my fault that I won't inherit your seasoning, I just want you to rest and appreciate how much I love you, my mother, which is only a small tribute for all that you could give me.

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Muchas veces no comprendemos todos los sacrificios, las necesidades y las noches de angustias que una madre ha de pasar para proteger a sus hijos y darles lo mejor, es lamentable que una madre es capaz de cuidar a tantos niños y que cuando ella necesite tan solo un poco de atención no lo obtenga.

Many times we do not understand all the sacrifices, the needs and the nights of anguish that a mother has to go through to protect her children and give them the best, it is unfortunate that a mother is capable of taking care of so many children and when she needs just a little attention she does not get it.


Mi madre siempre me decia "cuando tengas hijos me entenderás" hoy en dia comprendo con toda sinceridad sus palabras y la respeto y aprecio mucho más.

My mother always told me "when you have children you will understand me" today I understand her words with all sincerity and I respect and appreciate her much more.


Es para mí un placer poder compartir con ustedes una vez más una publicación, esta vez como un pequeño poema inspirado en la vida de nuestras madres que forman parte fundamental de nuestro crecimiento como seres humanos y como padres actuales. Gracias les doy por visitar mi publicación y leerme.

It is a pleasure for me to be able to share with you once again a publication, this time as a small poem inspired by the life of our mothers who are a fundamental part of our growth as human beings and as parents today. Thank you for visiting my publication and reading me.

Me despido hasta el próximo post. Bendiciones

I bid you farewell until the next post. Blessings


  • All the images used in this post have their source of reference
  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
