[WE94] WEEKEND-ENGAGEMENT: $250 FOUND, What Will I DO With The Money

Hey everyone, it's such a beautiful weekend here and I would love to appreciate @galenkp for initiating this interesting topic.

You find $250 in cash on the sidewalk. There's no one close by to claim it, so you bend over and pick it up. What do you do next? Hand it to the authorities or pocket it? If you decide to keep it what do you do with the money, how do you spend it, and why? If you decide to hand it in to the authorities what's behind that decision?



I read through alot of post talking about what they would do with the $250 dollars found.

This got me thinking, we all have our individual believes and core values. Although, issues like this might look so minute but it really have a great impact on our society.

Got to think of this: What if the owner of the money had an urgent call that one of his/her close relative had an accident and was rushing out to buy some medication or was directed to buy some stuff that will save a life and out of anxiety he didn't realize the money has fell on the sidewalk or may be the money was needed to settle some expenses that could settle a lifetime problem and ignorantly lost it while walking on a side walk.

Imagine that, No one could imagine exactly what happen. Now the issue is this, how will the owner feel if he/she realize he/she had lost such huge amount.


I know many of us has lost precious things that took us months to recover from the lose. This could also be the reaction of owner as well. Many of us, don't really care about what others feel as far we are okay and doing well. Alot of people are self centered. Now put your self into the owner's shoe. I know many will say am not that careless.

Look, the truth is this be your brothers keeper nobody is above mistake.


When we are talking about corruption in our individual countries . it begins with each citizen. Many people believe the $250 found is an answer to meet their needs. Many people will be so excited picking the money to solve their financial needs.

Now this bring about the question of integrity. Why do we choose to use people lose for our own personal gain. Where is the aspect of conscience and being a brothers keeper.



We kept on instructing and warning our children not to pick what does not belong to them, why does that rule exempt an adult in this circumstances.

Oh, I know you will say i did not steal it, i only found it on the sidewalk. Now, the question is this: Is it yours?

Now, you've pick what does not belong to you. Now, how does this attitude of yours help the owner.

If i found myself in this situation, the best thing i will do is to pick the money and report to the appropriate authorities.

I don't joke with my inner peace. I can't trade my peace for $250. Peace comes first. I can't imagine spending such kind of money. My conscience will not let me be, so the best thing i will do is to report the $250 found to the appropriate authorities.


Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.
–Benjamin Franklin


If every citizen could imbibe this, I believe we will all live a fearless life and our country will be void of corruption which will help us live in peace and harmony.

Thanks for reading......


Inner peace means here in the UK I would take it to the police station.


Yes, As far it is being reported to the appropriate quarters i.e police station.


This is if it was misplaced.
What if it was stolen and then while the thief was running, some money fell off and because of the kind of population of people there at that moment, he couldn't pick it and ran away with the rest, we have to be considerate even to our self. What if your family needed such amount at that moment and you saw it, what will you do?
