[ENG-ESP] Adiós "Hidra Market" --- Goodbye "Hydra Market"


We have long heard of the Darknet or dark internet, especially because of news that extols the "Illegal" actions that are carried out through this network.


Recently in Germany, the office that investigates criminal acts and the prosecution have seized the servers of "Hydra Market" that was allegedly used to operate criminally, trading drugs, organs, and forgery of documents among other things.

It has also been reported that more than 540 BTC were seized as a result of the businesses that were carried out on that platform since 2015.

According to the authorities, the volume handled by the platform was about 1,230 Million Euros, and they have put an end to such illicit activity. Before all this, a question arises: What will they do with the BTC?


Hace tiempo que escuchamos hablar de la Darknet o internet oscura, sobretodo por noticias que exaltan las acciones "Ilegales" que se realizan mediante esta red.


Recientemente en Alemania, la oficina que investiga hechos criminales y la fiscalía han incautado los servidores de "Hydra Market" que supuestamente se utilizaba para operar de forma delictiva, transaccionando estupefacientes, órganos, y falsificación de documentos entre otras cosas.

También se ha informado que se incautaron mas de 540 BTC producto de los negocios que se efectuaban en esa plataforma desde el año 2015.

Segùn las autoridades el volumen que manejaba la plataforma era de unos 1.230 Millones de Euros, y han puesto fin a tal ilícito, ante todo esto me surge una pregunta ¿Que harán con los BTC?.

Gracias por pasar.
