Steem to the World || Humanity Over Everything - Life Lessons from Yang's Election Manifesto


We are first of all humans before any other thing, and this is one thing we all must come to appreciate and uphold.

I am not a lover of politics but I've read much about Andrew Yang on the #yanggang #andrewyang tags here on steem and I must thank @Theycallmedan for spicing this. I had to quickly head up to Andrew Yang's twitter handle to see for myself the much that has been said about this man and lo, I caught an amazing fact about his being - love for Humanity.

While this blog may not be very politically inclined as I have not really been following the 2020 election updates of the United States of America because of my daily concerns about our broken systems in Nigeria, I will rather x-ray this humanity-mindedness of Yang and how it would be a great match for the Steem blockchain as we expect his joining us soonest after we would have successfully help him boost his mentions on social media.

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My first catch of the humanity-mindedness of Yang was in this pinned tweet:

I’m not running for president because I fantasized about being president; I’m running for president because, like many of you here . . . I’m a parent & a patriot and I have seen the future that we are leaving for our kids & it is not something I am willing to accept. #DemDebate

The words above remind me of the sacrifices of my parents to give myself as well as my siblings good (western education) education, clothing, food, shelter, but above all, a good moral life that is drawn from a firm faith in God. Growing up has made me see this gift as priceless!

Hearing a Presidential aspirant so concerned about the future of kids to me is amazing and great to hear, while some others (like in my country) will be witch-hunting one another to remain perpertually in power while continually promising us that "youths are the leaders of tomorrow". For over 50 years after independence, we've not got any president younger than 50. (I will gladly accept a correction with evidences).

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Yang's 3-Point Agenda: FREEDOM DIVIDEND, MEDICARE FOR ALL and HUMAN-CENTERED CAPITALISM are all human minded projects. While others are looking at economy, technology, etc., as if those things would drive themselves, I see in Yang, an insight into building humanity who will drive the technology and guild the economies.

Truly, building a man is the best way to raise the capacity of a nation. It is sad that today, the world is building robots to replace humans thereby taking away jobs that were meant for humans. This leads to nothing but hunger in the land whom they are trying to get extincted.

I wish Andrew Yang a success in the polls while so greatly believing that he would be joining us here on Steem as I expect tan account name @AndrewYang to be preserved for him. This is because Steem's success is tied to the humans that are a part of the system - Developers, users.

When bidbots were introduced to Steem , we lost value and it became a reward farming platform which could not improve the system. Thanks for #Newsteem which has made curation to be more of the manual and this to me is a celebration of humanity.

Let's hope for Yang's vicotry and tell him how much we await his embrace of Steem. Certainly, that will be a great boost for us just as Trump is for Twitter of today, and Obama was for Facebook.

I am @Prettyglo
