Freyja's Fire - Chapter 4 - A'mara Books





(Fenjaday, cont.)

Erion Sands

Aurelia had just the right dress for tonight. She pulled out the deep blue one that was made of some fabric Katja had found the last time she traveled to the Other World. It was a silky fabric called “satin” and embellished with plenty of lace and ribbons. The ribbon allowed for the dress to be cut lower than usual, with a piece of cord threaded to keep it tight across her bodice. It also allowed her to show more cleavage than what her father would have approved of.

“Where are you off to all dressed up like that?” Gemina asked.

“The pub, of course!” Aurelia replied indignantly.

“I don’t want to go to a pub!” Gemina complained.

“Then don’t. I’m going!” Aurelia insisted, fastening her favorite necklace around her neck, a matching stone resting just above her cleavage. She knew that her cousin would be in trouble with their mothers if Aurelia went without Gemina. “Besides, you need to meet men too.”

“In a pub?” Gemina challenged. “We should be seeking quality men!”

“Like the ones we have yet to meet? Despite riding around the entire of Velantia?”

“So, why the pub?”

“Because, my dear cousin… The pub is where the sailors hang out! The only Velantians I haven’t met, I’m sure! Come on, Gemina. We’ll have fun!”

Gemina rolled her eyes, but went along.

As they passed Adrick’s tent, Aurelia heard a noise. She looked in, but said nothing as she caught a glimpse of her brother and Katja naked and entwined with each other. She already knew that Katja was not a quiet lover and had spied on them more than once, wishing she had a man to love her too. She envied their relationship.

Quietly, she crept away again with Gemina.

“Had to make sure they weren’t in distress!” Aurelia hissed in explanation.

“Yeah, right!” Gemina replied with a giggle. “I know you like watching them!”

“You would too, if you looked!”

“Your own brother, too!”

“I think it’s beautiful! That’s why we go to the pub… to find a love like that.”

“I still think a pub is the wrong place to look,” Gemina replied. “The men there aren’t looking for good relationships. They are looking for a wench to bed.”

“Maybe I can have a turn then,” Aurelia said.

“I should go and tell your brother!”

“An excuse to watch them, I think.”

Gemina glared at her, causing Aurelia to laugh.

“Lighten up, Gemina. I have standards, don’t worry!”

Gemina rolled her eyes at her, but the fact they were in front of the Seagull Public House prevented further conversation.

Aurelia led Gemina into the public house where the music ensemble was already loud, despite being early in the evening. Automatically, Aurelia led her cousin into one of the back rooms where she plunked herself down at a table full of men.

“Lookie here!” one of the men exclaimed, his eyes instantly on Aurelia’s cleavage.

“Deal me in!” Aurelia commanded, placing a stack of coins on the table.

“Are you sure?” the man confirmed.

Aurelia smiled sweetly.

The man shrugged and dealt her some cards. She picked them up, examined her hand, then took her turn.

“Anyone see a ship earlier?” she asked calmly.

“Nothing came to port today,” the dealer commented. “Waiting for someone?”

“Not particularly. I saw one drift past the jetty.”

“Drifting is bad news, whatever else it might be. Best to stay away. Nothing good can come of it!”

Aurelia nodded and took her next turn.

A few minutes later, Aurelia laid down her last cards with a smile on her face.

“Damn!” one of the men swore as he handed her the winnings.

“Thank you!” she replied, still grinning. She looked at Gemina who rolled her eyes.

Another man put out his cigar and came closer to her. “I’d like my share of the spoils,” he growled. “You could sit on my lap while you play.”

“I’m fine where I am, thank you!” Aurelia replied indignantly.

“We’ll see about that!” He grabbed her and pressed his lips onto hers. He stank of smoke and drink.

Aurelia instantly slapped him hard.

“Frisky, eh?” he growled again, pulling her to him so that she could feel his hardening lust against her. He pulled the cord holding her bodice, revealing her ample cleavage.

Aurelia kicked at him, but he was suddenly pulling at her clothing, snapping threads that held seams together. For half a second, she was afraid, looking to Gemina for any sort of help. Her cousin’s gaze held a plea which she quickly sent towards another direction. Aurelia couldn’t look.

“I’d leave her alone if I were you,” another voice warned, one that belonged to her brother. He should be in camp!

“Who are you; her babysitter? This wench is plenty old enough for me!” the man holding her growled. He lifted Aurelia into his arms frightfully easily and turned towards the door heading to the lodging rooms.

“You will do no such thing!” Adrick shouted. Aurelia heard him draw his sword. “Put her down or I will kill you myself!”

“Who are you, Scallywag!” the man challenged, not obeying.

“The Crown Prince. Her brother. She may be old enough, but that slap she gave you told you ‘no.’ I warn you again, you will not leave this room alive if you insist on taking her with you!”

Aurelia fell to the floor with a bump as the man released her and addressed her brother.

“Then don’t let your precious sister come in here dressed like a tart! Next time, I will have her, I don’t care what title she may carry. She comes in here like a tart, I will treat her like a tart!”

“She can come in here stark naked, but that gives you no right to treat her like that! She is still the Princess and deserves your respect.”

Adrick looked at Aurelia. “You’re coming back to camp, Sis! You too, Gemina.” He grabbed Aurelia’s wrist tightly and pulled.

“Princess or not, if she comes in here half naked again, I will have her.”

“And I will kill you. I promise you that,” Adrick threatened. “Come, ladies!”



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Other Chapters of stories about Velantia...

Legends - Creation of the Sacred Trio (Whaleshares) , Sentence of Tharn and Ríosín

Royal Trouble - Chapter 1 - 4631 KV (about 1309 BTCE) - (NSFW story about King Finn II)

Brighid's Blood - Chapter 1 - 4726 KV (about 1213 BTCE) (Whaleshares)

Freyja's Fire - Chapter 1 - 4728 KV (about 1211 BTCE)

Maps and Guides

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Asking @popcornexpress to bring popcorn!

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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