Water treatment and packaging became my entrepreneurial course.

It's a great initiative by the national universities commission to inculcate within the university curriculum a compulsory entrepreneurial course so as to empower young graduates who can't rapidly make a breakthrough into the labor market as well as to combat the high rate of unemployment in Nigeria.

Entrepreneurship bridges the gap between formal education and the labor industry. Over the years this has been a stubborn hole to fill. Year in year out nations at the developed and developing level depending on the integrity of government combat fiercely against unemployment by offering entrepreneurial courses so as to remedy the ugly situation. Instead of graduates to lick the smelling wounds of unemployment, they can always use the ointment of entrepreneurship to heal the plaguing injuries.


Entrepreneurial course in my school

Having acquired a profitable skill through this entrepreneurial course offered by the university. People don't really need to depend much on their degree, they can as well put their eggs in more than one basket. This course proffers an array of skills to choose from. Ranging from soap making, barbering, shoe making, music and dancing, photography, web design, bead making, small chops and confectioneries, laundry and house cleaning, water treatment and packaging etc.

The list is endless but from what I can remember these are the most popular ones that were chosen for learning by the majority undertaking the course. Also, prolly to the registration of the choicest skill I want to learn on my school database, students who previously undertook the course all chanted we go for "WATER TREATMENT AND PACKAGING" as the skill had the highest tendency of dishing out excellent grade at the end of the course.

At the university level students mostly valued the skills with the highest possibility of securing a good grade than the skill they really desired to learn. That has always being the hallmark of every academic agenda - to have excellent grades. As for me, I followed the advice of my predecessor in the course.

At personal level people can learn any entrepreneurial skill as they wish after paying the price tag for the knowledge. There's no grade system attached and there is barely no need to undergo any form of standard exams to evaluate the learning process. All they have to do is just to be passionate and diligent in it.

As it stands, I am really delighted to have chosen this particular skill "water treatment and packaging" to learn from, as the lecturer in charge is so eloquent, witty and sound in thinking. He has this alluring and appealing aura that makes one to thirst for the acquisition of learning this skill.

The interesting part is that me and my close pals enjoyed the teaching methodology of the lecturer in charge. We made it a compulsory mandate to never miss a class, to never come late to the class and to apply zealousness in all we do.

Week in week out, I enjoy attending classes, I have really learnt a lot in this course, from definition of water, to sources of water, to water pollution, to water systems & availability, to water quality, to types and sources of water contamination, to troubleshooting situations in water supply, to water packaging and sales and lastly safety precautions.

To wrap it up, below is a picture of me and my course mates in the lecture hall, seated earlier before the commencement of the entrepreneurial class for the day.

from left to right: udezee, olutomisin, teechizy. school life with my favorite people ❤️.

In few weeks time we will have our practical, I hope to experience the real deal and I hope the whole learning process caps itself with a wonderful experience. I do hope to make the best out of the whole learning process as this will be an empowerment to remember. It will also be a life changing one for me in the long run.

Thanks for reading.

Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian
