Wow that was a lot of water!!


That was a long time again seeing so much water in the Dutch streets. Last Ednesday it was literally raining cats and dogs in a pace that no sewersystem is able to cope with. The effects of this weather monster? A lot of streets were flooded!

In the city of Helmond which is quite close to me there were a lot of infrastructural failures to be seen. Sweet examples on how sewerage should not lot like. Water shouldn't go into underground garages and swimming and kanoeing (whutttt) shouldn't be done in the streets

The funny thing about this is. Yes it was a lot of water, but it wasn't that much of water. Well at least I have seen roads flooded a lot more often when I was living on the island of Sint Martin. Here the sewer wasn't even that bad, but when it rained it always rained pretty bad and water is always accumulating when it comes off of mountains. Often it is also matter of what you do with it, respecting the fact that mother nature is sometimes a bit stronger than we are.

I remember when I was just living on the island I had a whole different idea about bad weather than that a lot of local people had. Dutch as I am I am used to rain, and what Dutchies do is they almost ignore it. We bike through it, we drive through it, we act like it isn't there. So that is what I was doing.


On an evening it was raining pretty bad but I had made an appointment in the evening so my Dutch brain said I needed to be there. Ofcourse my local appointment had a whole different thought about this because it was raining and was laughing at me why I would even dare to go outside in such bad weather. But I decided to go anyway.

On the road I encountered a gigantic puddle and I was kind of challenged on to go through it or not. And if so: should I go fast or slow. Or in between.

I decided to go medium tempo, water came over the hood, the air insert sucked in the water and the car died instantly there with a nice blob blob blob sound. I learned that evening that people who have dealt with extremer weather longer than I have are always right about this. There is no reason to through this.

But here in Holland I was ignored again and driving through this weather disaster even having discussed before what to do when struck by lightning in your car. (Do nothing and just drive around for a while and the electriscity will eventually where off) It was late and I was going home from a very busy evening shift and really wanting to go to bed. I encountered a gigantic puddle again from about 100 meters long not seeing how deep it was

I backed up and took a different route. People do learn


A huge hug 🤗 and a little bit of !BEER 🍻 from @amico!

Un caro abbraccio 🤗 e un po' di BEER 🍻 da @amico!


Perhaps you are just a little bit older and wiser?


hahahah it just likes it right? It happened earlier than I expected :D
