Philanthropic Racism - Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa + poem


Spine chilling population control projects with the Gates Foundation behind them in Africa.


Recently after 4 years and only 174 posts to the blockchain @hivewatchers accused me of being a spammer and when my strong objection was given in the digital Discord Court Room they sent out their thug @steemcleaners to ruff me up due to the word count of my two posts.

So without further ado allow me to present a filler of a little poem of mine to avoid another thrashing by @steemcleaners...

There once was a blockchain called HIVE.
Whose token seemed caught in a dive.
With no help on the way,
Had DPoS had its day?
It's unlikely to see it survive.

There hopefully there is now enough of a word count that the flag bully blockchain protector @steamcleaners will consider this post long enough for me to avoid another flag thrashing.

Thank ya. Thank ya very much.


Stunning information in the video about population control, if they're so keen on reducing the population why not lead by example and start with themselves and their own relatives, community, and country?

On the other note, it's really sad when open platforms become centralized. It's demotivating, to say the least, I mean word count shouldn't be a factor as sometimes a sentence has more value than a whole book and we've seen useless very long posts with no added value, and also sharing one video as valuable as the one you shared is worth spending time to watch and share and analyze further.


Stunning information in the video about population control, if they're so keen on reducing the population why not lead by example and start with themselves and their own relatives, community, and country?

Rascism cannot be discounted as one likley reason.

On the other note... mean word count shouldn't be a factor...

Thank you for you support on that point.


Sad to see you getting flags 🤦‍♂️ what a waist of energy!

It is crazy how much of what is now going on leads back to Gates coming to the rescue 🤔 cause you know Black people should be put through the vaccines tests first since they are the most affected 🤦‍♂️ another example of new age racial genocide.

The solution for the states

Is not racial rights related people, it’s all about demographic and areas of neglect controlled by a system designed to only further control. The fact it is affecting black lives most is an echo of slavery ... slavery never existed in Canada thus here that echo is only related to demographic.

As long as this movement faces off with the powers at be on the turf the powers have designated, the fight will remain a point of division. The movement needs a leader. We need a Martin Luther King of our generation yet those people in our political climate are stuck with the rest of us in the daily grind.

With a direction this movement has potential to attack the real problem, the financial system. The system which enables people like Gates to dictate policy change strictly due to wealth. It has the potential to make the change the entire world needs to see if only it could stop lashing out against symptoms and focus on the root cause.


Sad to see you getting flags 🤦‍♂️ what a waist of energy!

Not exactly a waist for those flagging . As you will see they up vote their own warning comment (to the tunes of $1+ in my case) so it is probably very profitable to be a flag bully in their case.

... another example of new age racial genocide.

No question about it. The road from slavery is very different for the blacks than other slaves throughout history. Rome, for example, thought at one point to mark the slaves in their society much like Jews were marked in Nazi Germany with the yellow star. The idea was dropped when they realised that it may not be a good idea to let the slaves know that there were more of them than Roman citizens. When a slave of Rome was given their freedom they could seamlessly slide back into the social fabric.

For blacks this has been a different story as they have carried their marker in the colour of their skin and even after emancipation they were still easily identifiable by their racists fellow citizens; as are their descendants to this day.


I can’t even begin with I understand as I don’t. How can the country right across the boarder be so different?

Yea I agree the marker is the colour of their skin yet I also believe the problem is no longer that racism is predominant world wide as I have seldom seen it myself.

The battle needs to move from that of specific races due to creating conflict within its own message. I see the battle as a demographic issue and echos of racism handed down to us through enforcement of controlling policy ... get out of dodge says a lot more then just get out of black areas ... to me it depicts the problem that certain areas have opportunity while others are left to crumble ... meanwhile the system in place is designed to force this to happen, rich get richer and poor get poorer all due to where you live?

As long as we focus on the colour of skin at all relative to the arguments of inequality it will remain a central point of interest continuously ostracizing each other. Like I’m supposed to reject my “white privilege” when in fact I have lived on the streets and hustled my way out, nothing privileged about that IMO.
