Earn Tron with fun game called "Tronhives"


The revolution of collectible digital tokens started with crypto kitties . Crypto kitties were just like cartoon which were built on Ethereum blockchain whose purpose was to connect with those communities who don't like Token cryptography address which was not readable for human and wanted some fun with digital tokens .


In December 2017 , There was sensational news about crypto kitties which was sold in $12 million dollar and That was turning point for Attention to build more digital collectibles with different shape . In Example , Splinterland is the latest example where we play the games and trade with Digital collectibles . If we talk about other blockchain famous digital collectibles then we find Tron is rapidly being focused to build many Dapps based gaming where we can play and buy digital collectibles . Tron is become more attractive platform for Dapps developer ,may be because Tron Don't have Gas top up algorithm and the easiness of tron blockchain is cheaper and faster .

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So let's start and understand about Tronhives gaming platform where you can generate easily 10 Tron coins with the investment of $ 2.00 US Dollars .

1 . Firstly you need to make sure you got Tron link Extension in your browser , it can be added easily from chrome or brave browser.

2 . Sign in to Your Tron Link Wallet and Deposit worth $2 US Dollars Tron into the walllet then simply click to Tronhives : https://bit.ly/2Y0uBTv and sign in through Tron Link . Its similar to Hive Dapps where we use Keychain to sign in to Dapps .

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3 . Click the Top up into tronhives game website and it will show you your balance at how much wax you can buy.

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As you can in the picture , you can buy 25 wax for 1 tron then simply click buy and start scrolling down to activate the process.

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4 . you can see , you have level where 1st level is reserved for airdrop which you get from tronhive communities .2nd level where currently you need to work ,means you need to buy bees to produce Honey for you .
Every bee has price set like 1500 so it depends how many wax you got in your wallet to but bee.

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5 . There are some other level to reach where more honey can be produced every month . there is mentioned 212% .

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6 . This way you can increase your Honey producing . So if you have more bees then more honey you produce in a day . and every 25 gallons of honey sold then you received 1 Tron at your withdrawal wallet .

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This is fun and simultaneously earning opportunity without doing nothing instead investment and earn Tron everyday.
