
Its day two in the month of may, once again happy new month to everyone.
I wish you all peace, just like the river...

So lately i've thinking seems like i have been overthinking thou, and the word 'peace of mind' have been coming and coming again to my mind.

Alot of people lack this 'peace' and have been imprisoned in their heads and minds, through their thoughts

Whats even this peace of mind or i might just being over exaggerating and why is it important to have this peace of mind.

I would say peace of mind is the same as believing, the feeling of not entertaining any fear, no panic,no stress,no anxiety, just relaxed and happy all the time.

  • This does not mean that people with peace of mind does not have problems, infact some of us might have bills to settle, or in debt but we just choose to be happy and shy away from our problems, atleast believing it is well

  • This, in a way is even beneficial to the mental health

Is it possible for someone who is in debt or have bills to pay to or troubled have a peace of mind all the time?

  • Well, problems are still problem as far as there is no solutions just yet, no doubt about that but instead of spending much time on the internet, watching news all day, for some years now there hasn't been any pleasant news, is either pandemic or tsunami wiping a nation out or the other this will only lead to anxiety and depression so it is advisable to limit the time spent on all of these.

  • Again, there is a saying that what you can not change, you accept and learn to live with it, so understand that there are somethings that cannot change, be focus and diligent.

  • practice, one step at a time approach, if you feel you have numerous problems focus on solving them one after the other.

  • Identifying negative people is important, these are people that tend to play down your achievements, you are jealous of others progress and achievements, identify them and remove them, they pose a great danger to ones peace of mind.

  • improving yourself, your self esteem, and appreciating every damn thing,every minute in life will go a long way towards improving ones peace of mind.

spirituality & peace of mind

A life without a peace of mind can not focus, the mind is shattered, anxious, eager and not balance

There are some spiritual practices that improves one peace;

Try meditating, read books, seek help and make your supplications known to GOd or whatever you believe in through prayers

Find what best for you towards achieving a peace of mind, know whats best for you, most times i meditate through some soul music this tends to lift my spirit and i have that free mind.
