Top Three publications that are worth reading of Project Hope community



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Multidisciplinary team

On this platform full of opportunities where all users have equal opportunities at the time of writing.
What you most want is to be seen and, if not, read and commented on. Nowadays, in the boom of communities, more and more people are working according to your interests, sharing quality content..
Our Community PROJECT.HOPE represents COMMUNITY of steem blockchain users, who share similar values, goals and mostly passion towards topics related to:

  • technology,
  • steem and steemit,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • machine learning,
  • cybersecurity,
  • gaming (on blockchain)

as well as:

  • economy,
  • business,
  • marketing,
  • Philosophy,
  • psychology, social media etc.

My contribution is that my followers can meet those writers who have excellent publications in our community, I have selected three publications that are worth reading.


@shahab1998 gives us with a wonderful publication.

Now days many applications of e-commerce are affecting businesses through internet. But as e-commerce is increasing day by day so there is a continuous increase in issues and problems which are caused because of e-commerce. Some of those issues and problems are mentioned below with examples.

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I share with all of you this great post from my friend @munawar1235

The type of medical treatment in which needles are inserted into the body is called acupuncture. It is not a treatment rather it is used along with other treatments and is found effective. Although there is not scientific research involved in it rather it is performed individually based on philosophy and insight. It is very old method of treatment and dates back to 2500 years. It was primarily used in China as traditional treatment for relief of pain.

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@unbiasedwriter gives us a wonderful publication.

In the last 30 years, the technology applied to the industrialization has evolved a lot, in this way now we have increasingly better machinery that performs more functions in an automated way.

One of the things that motivates us the most as a team is supporting everyone we can within the community. I hope you visit the blog of these writers.


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