Importance of speech in our daily personal life.


Hello everyone, hope you all are having fun. Today we shall consider 'speech' what it is and the importance of speech.

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Let us imagine a village where the King has passed a law that for a period of three months no person - man, woman or child - should speak to another or communicate either by sign or by writing. For the sake of illustration let us say that the citizens of that village are law abiding people and are doing their best to obey this strange law. How long can they remain obedient.? It is possible that after a few days this strange law will have to be broken because no human being can survive for long without speech and communication methods.

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Even the imaginary king who made this foolish law can not enforce it because the very law which forbids speech also forbids people to report any offenders to law enforcement agents. He too can not even communicate with the people. Fortunately, such a law does not exist but the situation described above does show very vividly the importance of speech in our daily personal activities as well as activities in the larger society in which we live. Without speech, life as we know it today is impossible. With it life is one continuous song of joy.

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Speech is an act. Through it human beings interact with each other. It is the medium through which human beings impart and exchange opinions and ideas in words, writing or signs. Because we use it everyday, we often take speech for granted. But when there is a break down in communication and things go wrong then only then do we appreciate the importance of speech as a vital means of social interaction. Speech has three aspects namely, the physical act of saying or writing something, of producing sounds over the air or marks on paper; the act of using language to state, warn or question and the effect of what the speaker says on the hearer.

From these three aspects it is clear then that speech communication has four essential elements, namely: the speaker, the message, the channel and the listener.

He is the source of the message. He speaks because he desires to influence others in a variety of ways: he may wish to inform, persuade, change attitudes, amuse, strengthen and encourage. He also speaks so that others can know that he lives and has thoughts and feelings about the world around him. Finally, he speaks in order to preserve his heritage that is, beliefs, customs and sense of identity.

The message is what the speaker sends to others. When he decides to communicate with others, then the speaker sends what is known as a message which is some idea, thought or feeling he wishes to share with others.

This is the means the speaker uses to send the message to the listener. The channel may consist of the audible sounds made by the human voice as well as visible symbols such as facial expression, gestures, eye contact, movements and other physical characteristics used to reinforce the meaning of the words.

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This is the receiver of the message but he is not a passive receiver. He also reacts to what he receives and communicates his response back to the speaker.

we have seen how speech has help us in our world today, Without speech there is no life. speech has made life so meaningful, and how it help us to influence our neighbors and our environment at large.

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