Poem - Time and Youth


Do you see a young man sitting in the corner?
No burdens, no guilt.
For what reason do they not use up their time?
Isn't that lost time and youth never come back?

Here, a person of age who is no longer young contemplates
If only time could return and youth would come back, even if only for a moment.
I would erase all regrets, I will make all achievements.
I would sip every drop of youth for work and achievement.
I would not miss a drop missing from my grasp.

But, that's all impossible.
The time that has passed, will never come back again
I wanted to approach the young man sitting in the corner there
Talking and sharing experiences, how painful it is to lose that opportunity.
I want to say, don't ever waste your youth, so that your old age can smile.

Indonesia - April 6th, 2021.


Photo by Matthew Bennett on Unsplash
