Leaves are friends, not garbage!


Every day a veritable genocide occurs with "yard waste" all across America.

Do you know how plants grow? They use up the nutrients of the soil to grow. If you then throw all of that plant matter away, especially if you already have poor soil, you're essentially throwing your soil, your future vegetables, your other plants, your flowers, YOUR MONEY, away.

And you're usually paying for the convenience to do so!

They charge you to haul away all the nutrients from your soil, then charge you for compost, often made from the same waste you or others threw away!

Same with wood chips. They just might be a bit more selective.

Funnily enough though, the less selective stuff is actually a lot better for your yard. Full trees, not just chipped, but ground, are the best think you can get for mulch, because when it breaks down, it gives you more of the nutrients you want. Wood chips are mostly just fiber/carbon.

BUT, those leaves and wood chips and all the other crap you throw away, makes great mulch!

Why am I going on about this? Because for the last few days, more than a week, I've been working every day in the garden, cutting out more and more space, and planting more veggies, and mulching my beds with, you guessed it, leaves.


Because it's fucking corona virus time. I don't want to go out and buy mulch. Not to mention, it either comes in a plastic bag, which I'm not too fond of, or you gotta buy a fuckton.

I don't really wanna buy a fuckton.

I'm tempted to try to get a yard trimmer guy to dump something in my driveway, but I'm a bit worried about trying to talk to them in this situation, and I have to actually catch one, or try to call one up on the phone and convince them to not sell me mulch, but give it to me, for as little as possible.

It's not that hard to get them to dump yard waste in your driveway or yard if you aren't too picky, but when you're afraid to even talk to anyone on a normal day and then you got a pandemic going on...it's not too fun.

Back to the leaves...

Most leaves aren't bad. Some take a bit to break down. Maybe a bit of extra nitrogen. Maybe a bit of something wet mixed in, like manure, or wet grass.

Manure is another problem these days though. Because our beloved overlords, Monsanto, have poisoned the well. All these fucking idiots are putting these horrible defoliates on their hay and other feed, and those get fed to the animals, and they pass right through them, and end up in the manure, and then you use the manure in your compost, and then put it on your garden beds, and it kills everything.

Yeah, it's a thing. Toxic compost. Toxic manure. You pretty much can't fully trust compost and manure these days because of these massive corporations poisoning the well.

So, now I'm trying to get the low down on some rich horses that are fed premium feed that costs more than my life...and I might actually be able to get some of that rich ass candy. But I also have to figure out how to get it from the fields to my house. That's gonna be difficult and may involve filling totes in the back of a normal car because somehow everyone has nice SUV's or cars these days, not pickup trucks.

But even if you can get some great compost and great manure, and your soil ends up beautiful and your veggies are happy...they won't be happy for long, because the sun will bleach that soil and the rain will wash it away, and weeds will seed themselves. So you need mulch. Whether it's shitty colored mulch from the stores, or nice expensive cedar chips, or what, you need mulch. It helps retain moisture, reduce erosion, and breaks down into further nutrients.

Leaves are our friends! Stop throwing them away! Just rake them into your garden bed, and if you're worried about what your neighbors will think, put your expensive mulch on top of it, maybe with some expensive nitrogen source mixed in, like bat guano, or chicken manure.

Remember when they used to say you should never put chicken manure on your vegetables because of salmonella? Those were the days. The days before using cow manure could mean your garden was completely destroyed.

Anyone else get the feeling Monsanto did this on purpose?

I would never suggest that they have an evil plan to take over the world by poisoning all of our food supply and forcing everyone to have to use their GMO seeds...but...

BTW, I'm still tired as fuck. And unfortunately my sun tan isn't coming along as fast as I would hope, because I end up tiring myself out too early and then it gets hot and I take a break. Whoops!

NPS Photo / Monica Larcom (source)

Crossposted to Steem


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We don't spray the hay. It's usually natural grass from alongside roads and areas of fields that are too wet to use for food crops. The cattle eat grass off the ground in spring, summer, fall; then they eat the hay, which is just dried grass, in winter. Not everyone does it that way, but all the years I spent involved with farming, I can't say I've ever seen anyone spray chemicals on hay. That wouldn't make sense.


Not even Roundup resistant hay? I'd think that's a thing these days once you get to industrial scale.

I have never been involved in any farming though, full disclosure.


Can't say I've ever seen a sprayed hay field. I've seen pastures but those are typically trampled and grazed by the livestock. You might plant something like alfalfa in a field, but I'm not sure I'd call that hay. For hay you want the most natural of grasses, cut in swaths, then baled. That tall grass in ditches and around marshland is perfect. The grass naturally chokes out most of the weeds. Weeds grow better in worked soil. But even most of the few weeds growing in the grass makes for perfect cattle feed. Once these cattle are sold and reach the feedlot, then they're fed all kinds of crap to fatten them up, shortly before slaughter. Once they're sold, it's not up to the farmers anymore.


Your farm was definitely doing things right. But this issue is more to do with GMO and glyphosate. It's on wheat, alfalfa, soybeans, etc, which are bundled up for feed. I shortened the explanation to just say hay, because many of those talking about it do the same, but it's on a ton of food, that we ourselves eat as well. Guess it's more reason to ensure things say non-GMO and wash them anyway just in case.


GMO alone doesn't seem to me really a concern.

That can just mean it was engineered to be larger or taste sweeter or that it's a chimera of different plants.

Glyphosate resistance genetic modification is a different story. That glyphosate stuff (an herbicide) probably gives people cancer. For a product that's safe, Monsanto has spent quite a lot of time and resources rigging study results to say it's safe. There have even been a handful of legal settlements where they had to pay people who got cancer from Roundup, a ready to use Glyphosate formulation.

Can't hurt to wash, in any case.


Yeah, GMO itself doesn't concern me much. It matters how they made the GMO, and what they did to modify it. What really matters is that they're GMO to withstand pesticides that are highly dangerous and kill everything.

And a lot of people seem to get hybrids, which can be totally natural, mixed up with GMO. Of course, hybrids can be a problem as well, since they selectively breed hybrids for specific traits over the years and may ignore others that nature didn't.

Like how they're now making super plants by cross breeding their crappy seeds they've made to create shelf stable products with the much older wild versions.

I've done the home garden version of that over the years by seeking out extremely rare seeds, and then saving my seeds, without worry of cross-pollination. If I create a hybrid, it will just be one plant of many that likely will all end up different, which is the way it should be. Mono-culture is the real issue in regards to the whole hybrid shitty shelf products issue.

Plus using chemicals to shelf ripen things that were picked green. Capitalism can be so gross...


I'm glad to hear you have a level-headed handle on the GMO situation. It can be worryingly rare to find someone who does.

Each mono-culture field is a nail in the coffin of our biosphere, and capitalism tirelessly swings the hammer.


There is a ton of different pesticides in manure from different sources, particularly manure and even compost with manure as an ingredient. To significant enough levels there is an easily observable effect on crops. Various labs have tested for this.

The sources for this are numerous. Hay is one of them, because commercial hay isn't just grass from the side of the road or wherever, but all different types of grass, wheat, and different types of plants such as legumes, dried, and bundled for sale.

The number of plants that are engineered to resist certain chemicals is massive now, and certain farmers use far too many herbicides on those crops.

The problem is that there is no labeling to know what those animals in any of those products ate, and that glyphosate and other herbicides may simply pass through their system, and don't break down, even at 150 degrees in compost.

You could buy commercial manure and compost and be perfectly fine, because maybe the levels aren't high enough, and you lucked out. But there's just the chance now, that it could kill your garden and make it hard to grow crops for a while after.

It's not that they spray the hay, it's that they spray GMO wheat and soybeans and other crops, and then the animals eat them. This isn't a problem if the farmer they got the crops for isn't psycho and doesn't dose all his crops in glyphosates, but sometimes they are.

Hopefully it will become less of a problem as people realize they cause cancer.


The hay thing fake-triggered me. Manure is a combination of shit and things like wheat or barley straw, usually. So yeah, if the straw came from a plant that was GMO and sprayed with chemicals, you'd find those traces in the straw. It doesn't necessarily mean the cow actually ate it and shit it out. We wouldn't normally feed a cow something like wheat because that would be far too expensive and a waste of good wheat. Even some of the corn fed cows now are simply sent directly into a corn field to chow down on whatever they want from the entire plant still growing in the ground, and because the farmer wants to feed the cows for a low cost, that corn crop wouldn't be sprayed. It would actually be the shittiest feed corn you've ever seen. Of course, things are different all over the world. I'm in central Canada. There's such an abundance of natural grassy areas and they don't go to waste. It's those big city slickers and their lawn clippings that go straight into the garbage wasting the good cow food, even though everyone dumps chemicals on their lawns now. It's ridiculous.


Yeah, it's not the ones letting their cows wander and eat wild grass that are the problem. It's people buying feed that could be GMO and soaked in pesticides.

I'd personally guess it's probably actually the soybeans and alfalfa and corn. Farms without enough grazing land buying cheap feed to supplement or as their main feed. Or large farms that don't care and don't keep their animals in anything larger than a refrigerator box.

The bottom line is that it's ended up in large enough quantities that it's been a problem.

There could probably be other problems with grass clippings from some of the psychos with their painted lawns. They scare me.


We used to go around spray painting dicks on lawns when I was kid...


Unless you used green paint, that's not exactly what I meant.


How dare you talk like that?




It's awful that you can't let leaves lie in so many places. Pompous authorities order nutrients to be taken from the land people own simply for western, nature domination aesthetic.

Best case scenario they're detrimentally ignorant.

This in a time where we need to preserve ecology more than ever because industry and civilization the world over is decimating the biosphere.

It's killing all of us too, but what do the rich care?


You've been visited by @minismallholding from Natural Medicine.

Loved the discussion! I was going to include this in the newsletter, but the language wasn't exactly family friendly! Lol! Must be a week for rants. I've come across a few today!! Lmao!

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I tend to like to just "free write" often, and talk about different things. Sometimes they're rants, other times just thinking about some subject.

But sorry, I often don't censor my language. I'm worse in person. XD
