Spiritual growth


The key to the success of every believer who has the desire to grow spiritually is found in the book of (James 4: 8) "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."

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To get closer to God we must evaluate our time and daily dedication that we offer him.
The first thing we must do is set a daily time to be alone with God. We should not make excuses, no matter how busy we are. He knows what we will face today, tomorrow and in the future. Starting the day we must give thanks to God, for his care and protection for loving us and for being the sovereign God of the entire universe.
Second, we must commit to praying and reading the Bible every day. Even when we don't feel like it. We also need to pray without ceasing, recognizing that God has all the answers to problems, and has a wonderful plan to fulfill in us.
It is recommended to have a journal and pencil at hand, to write down everything that God shows you, your personal prayers, etc. this will serve as a reminder of your spiritual life.
Commit to obey God. Obedience leads to blessing, reveals our level of trust in Him and our willingness to do what He requires. (Micah 6: 8).
