Gameplay | Battle Royale



Hi my dear Hivers friends, in this new opportunity I am pleased to share a new gameplay. This time I played the game, it's a Battle Royale for web browsers.

Saludos mis estimados amigos Hivers, en esta nueva oportunidad me complace compartir un nuevo gameplay. En esta ocasión jugué al juego, es un Battle Royale para navegadores web. is designed in two dimensions and has zenithal view, is a game similar to Fornite, PUBG or Free Fire, also the feature that those games have, I mean it has micro transactions, where you can buy the season pass, skins and accessories. esta diseñado en dos dimensiones y tiene vista cenital, es un juego similar a Fornite, PUBG o Free Fire, también la característica que esos juegos tienes, me refiero que tiene micro transacciones, en donde se puede comprar el pase de temporada, skins y complementos.

The truth is that I had a good time playing this game, I've had experience playing games of this genre, but I always die as soon as I start the game, and in has not been the exception, as soon as I started the first game I was killed as soon as I started and so it was in the gameplay, I spent it between death and death.

La verdad es que me pase un buen rato jugando a este juego, yo he tenido experiencia jugando a juegos de este genero, pero siempre muero apenas empezar la partida, y en no ha sido la excepción, apenas comencé la primera partida me mataron apenas empezar y así me fue en el gameplay, me la pase entre muerte y muertes.

And well my friends, I invite you to see the complete gameplay, it's fun, I'm already very bad at this type of game, and I've never improved. You can support me by leaving me a comment, I would appreciate it very much and I will be happy to answer.

Y bueno mis amigos, les invito a ver el gameplay completo, quedo divertido, ya soy muy malo en este tipo de juego, y nunca he mejorado. Me pueden apoyar dejándome un comentario, lo agradecería mucho y estaré atento de responder.

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