China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-06


English news:

Hong Kong informers’ hotline receives 2,500 tip-offs within hours

"The hotline can accept audio, videos, photographs and texts, and contributors will remain anonymous and receive no replies once they have submitted their tips"

--- Anonymous to the police or just to the general public? If they accept truly anonymous tips, it might be fun to accuse commie bootlickers en masse.

US removes shadowy group from terror list blamed by China for attacks

"China has produced little evidence that ETIM is an organised group or that it is to blame for attacks in Xinjiang"

--- Well, the CCP needed some terror group to blame for the few attacks that happened & wanted to show the world that it also was under attack by Islamists. Legitimate resistance against Chinese oppression in Xinjiang could not exist.

Xi says it's 'ill advised to hurt the interests of others' as Australia braces for $6 billion hit

"It is ill advised to pursue unilateral dominance, or choose to hurt others' interests"

--- Then, oh mighty emperor Xi, please tell us why China is doing exactly that?

Airbus in tussle over jet deliveries to China

"Airbus deliveries surged in September to a peak since the crisis began but deliveries to China have lagged despite the fact that airlines there are leading a recovery in jet usage"

--- Perhaps that recovery is not as great as advertised?

TikTok exec says she 'misspoke' in hearing about the app censoring Xinjiang content

"if the ruling Chinese Communist Party asked the app to remove content or provide user details, such requests would be denied"

--- Well, the CCP would not ask in the first place, they would demand. & they would tell Bytedance which then would order TikTok. There is no way that Bytedance would deny requests by the CCP.

China Intensifies Crackdown on Officials Who Bring Banned Books Back Home

"[former Changsha deputy mayor] Chen Zehun violated political discipline by buying books and periodicals with serious political problems overseas, then bringing them into the country and reading them over a long period of time"

--- What? Not even CCP cadres should know how the enemy thinks? That would severely weaken CCP efforts to fight evil capitalism.

"Chen Zehun lost touch with the spirit of the party, and became lawless and arrogant, with excessive personal desires and an obsession with accumulating wealth"

--- Ah, I see... He was in the wrong faction. Emperor Xi doesn't like dissent.

Hong Kong police arrest journalist for ‘obstruction’ after she filmed arrests

"During the incident, officers pepper-sprayed Ho and snatched her camera away after she refused to stop the recording"

--- When simply doing your job becomes a crime.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Jack Ma and Ant Financial Are In Trouble!"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Australia’s future is being ‘quietly decided’ by China amid US election"

--- CNA: "23: Born In The Year Of Hong Kong Handover To China, What Will Their Future Hold?"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Laschet sieht Pandemie als Bewährungsprobe im Kampf mit dem System China

"Armin Laschet betont, dass die freie Welt nun beweisen muss, dass Chinas autoritäres System nicht überlegen ist"

--- & das bemisst sich am Wirtschaftswachstum oder am BIP? Wäre ja Schwachsinn. Die Überlegenheit eines Systems zeigt sich wohl eher darin, daß es den Bürgern ein möglichst freies & trotzdem relativ angenehmes Leben ermöglich.

China testet Impfstoff an Bevölkerung

"Über die Wirkung und mögliche Gefahren des noch nicht vollständig zertifizierten Impfstoffs wird kaum diskutiert in der chinesischen Öffentlichkeit und in den Medien"

--- Was gibt es da zu diskutieren? Ist ein chinesischer Impfstoff. Dem muß man einfach trauen. (Denn sonst kriegt man Ärger mit der KPCh.)

Die Welt ist an unserer Seite

"In den vergangenen zwei Monaten haben wir Solidarität von Parlamentariern, Staatssekretären, Außenministern, sowie von bekannten Protestierenden und Aktivisten aus der ganzen Welt wie beispielsweise Greta Thunberg erfahren."

--- Tja, aber was bringt's, wenn man dann doch im Knast verschwindet?


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