Mi Perra Se llama Luna



Ella Es lo mas Hermosa de la casa, su nombre es luna, es una perra muy cariñosa, es tan cariñosa que cuando llega visita en la casa ella busca cuarquier cosa para regalar
She is the most beautiful thing in the house, her name is Luna, she is a very affectionate dog, she is so affectionate that when she comes to visit the house she looks for anything to give

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ella como la vez, es entrenada, da la patica, se sienta, brinca, y cuando uno le dice luna a bañarse ella rapido entra al cuarto y busca su toalla. es la cosita mas bella ella es Luna

she is trained, she gives the pica, she sits, she jumps, and when one tells her moon to bathe she quickly enters the room and looks for her towel. she is the most beautiful thing she is moon
