Survey Says: 50% of Canadian Willing To Be Tracked By Mobile App! Oh Noo's



Many Canadians Are Willing To Be Tracked By Mobile App

Last night a report from a Canadian insights firm caught my eye. The research is called Voice Canada Poll by DART & Maru/Blue. The particular survey I'm referencing is called "What Canadians Would be Willing to Comply with as their Society Opens Up".

How gross is that!


How willing would you be to accept the following if it meant you could do more things and reduce the spread or resurgence of the virus?

An app would register your phone with health authorities and track your movements so that if it were discovered you had been in contact with someone with COVID-19 it would send you a notification instructing you what to do next

The results are segmented by province but the average is 50%


How willing would you be to accept the following if it meant you could do more things and reduce the spread or resurgence of the virus?

An app would register your phone with health authorities and track your movements so that if it were discovered you had been in contact with someone with COVID-19 it would send you a notification instructing you what to do next

The results are segmented by province but the average is 50%..


50% of people surveys are ok with being tracked by a government issued mobile app.. the fuck! Read down a few statement and you'll find another doozy.


Nearly 60% of Canadians would be ok with being randomly stopped by authorities to have their temperature taken.

Personally Not Willing To Give Up Civil Liberties

I'm definitely not ok by being tracked the government, willingly, on my mobile. Pretty sure they already d this, they certainly have the capabilities. Our national spy agency has already been in trouble for spying it's own citizens illegally. A story that disappeared pretty quickly from the news cycle at the time.

I found this shocking, not sure why I'm surprised but I thought Canadians were smarter than this. I guess we are soft because we've had it really good in the grand scheme of things.

Maybe we're just too trusting of our government? It's honestly a little scary to think that we're so bought and sold bu media scare tactics right now that we would give up civil liberties. Boo..

Some Food For Thought

A declaration of a local, provincial, or federal emergency does not in and of itself suspend the operation of the Charter. Our fundamental Charter rights currently remain in place, and all laws and government actions aimed at tackling the pandemic still need to be compliant with the Charter.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hasn't ruled out using smartphone data to track whether people are complying with public health officials' pleas for them to stay inside to curb the COVID-19 pandemic — a notion that raises some thorny ethical dilemmas regarding public health and privacy rights.
