Ulog: Keeping the Energy Going


I liked the energy I was holding yesterday, feeling like I was exactly where I needed to be, and decided to bring it back into today. This morning was good. This afternoon is even better, and I will have an awesome evening leading to a great week.

I recognized wasted morning hours.

Yes, I do love zoning out with my boy while he watches tv and cuddling and hanging out, but it is equally enjoyable to do ... stuff.


I took him morning grocery shopping with me, and he helped me pick out cereal and lunch drinks, and it was a nice time. Then we came home and did chores together. He was just as happy, all he wants to do is spend time with me, and all I have to do is keep the electronics off and make whatever I am doing, something I am doing with my son.

My house is clean, my laundry is put away, my dishes are washed, and now I have time to write.


Also. My cousin is coming over because she's ready to start a home based business, collaboration.

Life is good, life is kind. Thank you God.

And thank you for reading today.


Posted via Marlians.com
