Another Beautiful Rainy Day


Its another beautiful rainy day here in Chula Vista.

If we were still backyard fruit growers (which I aim to be someday) we would be very, very happy.

My kids keep laughing at me, because we moved here from Northern California, and I kept bragging to them about how it was so hot here in Chula Vista, that you could go swimming on Christmas day.

They keep looking at the pool wondering if they can go in, but NOPE, it feels cold. I don't know if it's because I am older, or if it's because its colder, but NOPE keeps being my answer when they want to go swimming.

I tried looking up a chart of past weather averages here in my city, I even tried countywide searches including San Diego and was surprised that it was not so easy to find one. Where did all the charts go? I do know that there was an extreme drought here when I was growing up, they would teach us nasty stuff like: "If its' yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" to get us to use less water on the toilets.

I remember not watering our lawns (never missed them), no water fights (really missed them, esp when I would see them on tv), putting bricks in the toilet, timing our showers, having it be illegal to wash our cars in the driveway, car washes being banned as school fundraisers, and so many other rules that now seem to be gone.

I guess that's why we can't go swimming on Christmas anymore. Its cold and rainy (and lovely).

I remember being awed by rain, just watching it through the window, wanting excuses to go outside so I could experience it, and NOBODY owning rain gear (except those kids who had just moved here who were always prepared the first year, and then, like the rest of us forgot what rain boots were like).

People say that kids don't watch the rain from the windows anymore because they have tablets. I think its because it rains more, and rain doesn't seem so phenomenal.

Bild von Krzysztof Pluta auf Pixabay

If you remember San Diego in the 80's and 90's and remember that it was a 20 year drought, or can help me by showing me where to find a graph that shows our rain values, I would really, really appreciate it. You can tell me all about it in the comments or if you have a similar post, please feel free to share it with me.

I remember living in a hot town. I remember the swamps drying up (and they aren't swamps again yet!), I remember the Sweetwater "River" running really low and being able to see plants.

Do I remember?

Or did I dream?


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