On the Road Again - Airport Conveniences


I am traveling today to visit a family member who is sick. I normally travel with a red fleece lined hoodie that is very comfortable and warm on the airplane which typically can gat very cold.


Unfortunately, I accidentally left my travel coat in the last Lyft car that I rode in (I think). I can not find it anywhere, so I bought another warm jacket on my way to the airport. I have plenty of jackets at home that I could have brought with me, but I was so sure that it was in my car already that I didn’t grab another jacket.

I hate being cold on the plane so I stopped st a discount store and bought another jacket that was on the clearance rack. I am not big on wearing name brand clothes that advertise a designers name, but it was inexpensive and on clearance so I bought it.

It is bright white and will not travel well in and out of airports, but it will keep me warm on this flight.

Enjoy your day.

