3speak.online: Poultry Farming: Basis things you need to know about your birds


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First will like to apologize for the other time. Taking my viewers to the chicken farm without saying anything about the things going on there.

So this time I will try my best to explain what and what we often do over here in our poultry farm.

Firstly what kind of birds are this, am sure someone would love to ask.

Now this breeds of hens are called LAYERS their major duty is to lay eggs. Even without undergoing the normal and natural way of mating or servicing by another bird.


The young layers, that is the baby layer is given the feed called "starter" this will enable the young chick to start growing and building their bodies
Then after some weeks they are given another feed called "Grower" this is to enable their rapid growth, this is because layer birds are different from commercial agricultural birds which are the "broilers".
Again after like 5-6 months, when the birds start laying eggs, they are given the feed called "layer mash"
This is to help them in the laying progress and to enable them lay fine and bigger sizes of eggs.


Change the feeding and water troughs regularly. On a daily basis
The bird's bedding must be changed at least 2-3weeks
Cut the bird's peak when it is matured to avoiding them from breaking the eggs laid by them
Vaccination is required when rearing birds
Isolation of the sick birds and the barren ones to ensure and monitor their progress and response to treatment
wash the water troughs regularly


The layer birds are good for consumption
The eggs laid by the birds are good source of protein
The are source of income to the farmer
Even the bird's bedding or dung is a source of manure or fertilizer for agricultural farmland

Layer bird rearing generates more income than the commercial agricultural birds "broilers"
Meat gotten from the layer birds are rich source of protein in man's meal
The Layer birds are good breed of birds. This is why most poultry farm choose them over "broilers" which is only for the meat-consumption.
Today I entered my poultry farm😊 to collect my proteinous eggs😊
Today's meal will be wow! Yummy with lot of proteins. And don't forget Christmas is fast approaching, as we are going to Merry with our chicken... This is just getting sweeter🙊😁
My Chickens! My Eggs! My source of protein.
Hope you enjoyed my talking for today!😂
Do have a lovely day and thank you for stopping by to watch my video and subscribe to my channel.
I am @zellypearl

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