Steem And The Circular Economy


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It is very interesting to see things unfolding with Steem. With so many applications and games emerging, we are seeing an entire financial ecosystem forming.

In this video, I walk about some different aspects to this and how powerful the network effect could be.

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@taskmaster4450, So much good is happening for sure. And latest addition of Listing of DEC on TRON TRADE is another boost for the Splinterlands Ecosystem and Steem Blockchain and so many other aspects to celebrate.

Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi hi.. Taskmaster... I've learnt a lot from just looking at your videos..

Posted via Steemleo


In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of a circular economy within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, focusing on projects like Splinterlands and Holy Bread on the Steam blockchain. He emphasizes the interconnected nature of different tokens and assets within these projects, illustrating how users can earn and utilize various tokens within specific applications. The speaker highlights the importance of applications in attracting more people to cryptocurrencies, using examples from different games and platforms on Steam. He also touches on the decentralization of platforms like Steam and the potential for growth in the network effect as more users engage with different applications and projects. The speaker encourages diversification within the Steam ecosystem and discusses the evolving reward systems and interconnectedness of tokens across different projects.

Detailed Article:
The video delves into the evolving landscape of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, particularly focusing on the concept of a circular economy within the Steam blockchain. The speaker begins by exploring the idea of interconnected economies within different projects, such as Splinterlands and Holy Bread. He explains how users can earn and utilize tokens within these games, emphasizing the value they hold within the specific gaming ecosystems. The speaker draws parallels between traditional fiat currency usage and the adoption of cryptocurrencies, stressing the importance of applications to attract more users into the crypto space.

The discussion then shifts towards the significance of projects like Splinterlands and Holy Bread in driving the circular economy, showcasing how users can leverage their tokens within these platforms to enhance their gaming experiences. The speaker highlights the market for various digital assets and tokens within the Steam ecosystem, portraying a vibrant and interconnected network of projects and activities. He mentions platforms like DTube, 3Speak, and Steam Hunt, demonstrating the gamification of finance and rewards within these applications.

Furthermore, the speaker details how users can make decisions on what to do with the tokens they earn, whether to hold them or convert them to other assets like Leo tokens for specific purposes within different platforms. He explains how projects like Active Fit have gamified their reward systems, offering users the opportunity to invest in their own activities to increase their rewards. The speaker promotes diversification within the Steam ecosystem while acknowledging the potential for growth and network effects as more users engage with a variety of projects and applications.

Additionally, he touches on the decentralization of platforms like Steam, contrasting it with issues in other projects like EOS. The speaker expresses his confidence in the longevity of the Steam ecosystem and its various projects, citing reports that rank Steam ahead of other platforms. He discusses the collective wealth within the Steam ecosystem, encompassing holdings in Leo, Splinterlands, and other dApps, which he believes contributes to the network's resilience and potential for expansion.

In conclusion, the speaker encourages viewers to contemplate the interconnectedness and growth potential of the Steam ecosystem, emphasizing the diverse range of projects and applications available for users to engage with. He envisions a future where the circular economy flourishes, driven by active participation, rewards, and the interconnected nature of different tokens within the ecosystem.
