Tarot Tuesday January 14, 2020


I hope that you all had a great weekend. We enjoyed friends and gaming, but let's get to today’s reading.

So here is today’s card pull I am using the Shadowscapes Companion Deck by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law with text by Barbara Moore. I will be doing a three-card pull and only pulling more for clarification. If you like this deck you can get it for yourself. Just click on the picture below.

What does the Universe need me to share?


First Card is the Two of Pentacles:
Is a balancing act: juggling and keeping everything in motion, being flexible and adaptable and changing directions easily. Meet these challenges that tumble your way with high spirits, but be wary of taking on too much at once.

Second Card is the Six of Cups:
Is a reminder of childhood innocence, good intentions, noble impulses, simple joys and pleasures. It is not meant to be overly sentimental, but more an urging to remember the open-mindedness of a child’s perspective, and to push back the narrowness that folds in on you over time, with the complexities of life and responsibility.

Third Card is Six of Pentacles:
Represents the cycles of dependencies between those that have and those that have not. The sapling pushes through from the mud and muck and desolation under the shower of life and wealth from above. The piper does not see or notice it, thinks perhaps that he is part of a one-sided equation of generosity; but at the same time, the plants and branches buttress up the towering wall that he perches from. Their rootlets creep into the crevices and bind the structure with their mesh of life, protection from erosion, bracing. One supports the other, like an ouroboros, a self-sustaining cycle.
In such a linked circumstance, who is it truly that is the benefactor? Who holds the power?

The take away that I got from today’s reading was that is that we all are balancing things our lives. Being as careful as possible not to let anything fall. At the same time, we need to be careful not to forget our own childlike innocence. Make sure that you have time to look at things from the perspective of being a child. There is so much around us that we forget to notice. Remember that everything moves in cycles. You may not know in what cycle you are in but remember wherever you are in a cycle that will change.

For myself, I recently realized which cycle I am at. I am going to be pursuing a very old dream. I’m excited, as well as a little nervous, but I know that this is the right path for me. With this reading, it just has encouraged me more now than ever.

Where are you at? Is there something that sticks out of this reading for you? I’d love to hear about it.

I hope that this reading has been helpful to you all. Please let me know if it has impacted you in any way. I’d love to hear from you. And check out my website here. I am doing personal Astrology, Divination, Card and Astro Dice Readings. If you would like to have one please go to my website. Thanks so much for joining me on this Tarot Tuesday.

May your stars shine brightly upon you.


According to the Bible, Why is there death if there is God? (Part 1 of 3)

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