Stickers and How I Feel About Them



These are the stickers that I gave away to random guests during the Angst Not Dead opening reception. I printed two A3 pads, spray-painted with a clear lacquer to last longer, and cut them myself.


One of the groups asked me to take a photo of them with the stickers. Look how happy they were!


Collecting Stickers

Printing out these stickers and giving them away made me realize that it's a reflection of my love for stickers when I was younger. When I was around 7, I had a hobby of collecting stickers. They ranged from cute glittery random designs to famous characters like Mickey Mouse, Disney princesses, etc. I had a whole sticker album and all I did was collect them and never used them.

I even got to the point where I tried to create my own sticker. It was back when sticker papers weren't a thing or I just didn't know of them lol.

I used to draw on a normal paper. After drawing, I would put glue at the back of it and stick it on a plastic or anything that looks glossy. When the glue dries out, the paper wouldn't stick to the plastic so I would just easily peel it off of it.

Lol, those were fun times.

Stickers as an art form

Now that I am getting a bit older, I realized my love for stickers never really died. I love receiving original stickers from different people. It really reflects their personality and passion. It's also a way of showing their identity. Most of the stickers that I received are posted on my laptop cover or just hidden somewhere, waiting to be posted.

Stickers, how and where they are posted, I see it as an art itself. I see some attitude, personality in it. Did they post it in front of an existing sticker? Did they post it like it was done in a hurry? Did they use it to tag? Did they post it on their scrapbook? I may be just overanalyzing things, but I love seeing them in different places, most of them being in unexpected places.

sticker tagging
Sure, they could be annoying to some, especially when you are in a neat place and you see a sticker out of nowhere and you just wanted to peel it off to maintain order. That was me before. But then again, there's always an interesting story behind it. Now, I'm mostly just interested in the stickers themselves and appreciate them.


Stickers? Wow at age seven? I see it's generated into a passion for you till now, I love graffiti a lot and also those super hero stickers but I never had a talent for drawing or painting.


Yeah lol, but the handmade stickers I made them probably when I was 9.


Can you send me some? Kidding! I really want to buy one of your works. Maybe when I visit Davao, it should be part of my itinerary.


Sure! I will be happy to give you some. :D Yeah, that would be great!
