Poem "Poesia" | Wish fulfilled "Deseo cumplido"


Wish fulfilled

I live blushing with your memory,
being a victim of calmness,
thoughts of never seeing you again.

I dream the whole day about having you,
to smell your perfume all of a sudden,
I'd lower the moon to be with you.

I wish with longing your lips,
feel his skin, feel your touch.
Feeling whole,
in the dark.

Don't go away sweet poison,
stay with me, in my arms,
in my longing.
Stay with me one more night.

Deseo cumplido.

Vivo sonrojado con tu recuerdo,
siendo víctima del sosiego,
pensamientos de no verte mas.

Sueño el dia entero con tenerte,
oler tu perfume de repente,
bajaría la luna para contigo estar.

Deseo con anhelo tus labios,
sentir su piel, sentir tu tacto.
Sentirte entera,
en la oscuridad.

No te vayas dulce veneno,
quédate conmigo, en mis brazos,
en mi anhelo.
Quédate conmigo, una noche más.

Image source | Fuente de imagen: link.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://zaxan.steemblogs.club/2019/11/29/poem-poesia-wish-fulfilled-deseo-cumplido/
