'PowerHouseCreatives Contest' A Letter for me.



Maracaibo, November 28, 1985.

Dear Ramoncito:

I want to give you these lines, to give you some tips that can help you in the future. Today you are 15 years old, but time will pass in the same way, if you listen to these words or not.

"The glory of the young is their strength," Solomon wrote in the Book of Proverbs; I only ask you to watch carefully the words that I want to to say you.

Some things in life are very important to acquire:

The first thing is Wisdom: with it, you can get anything you want in life.

Second, Understanding: It is very easy to judge the lives of other people unless you put yourself in their shoes. Understand that we all have a growth process that makes us mature; Some faster than others.

The third, Love yourself without measure: In the same way that you love yourself, you can love others. No one can give something they don't have; Loving others as oneself is one of the main commandments that contain many things.

Fourth, Be Happy: In the pursuit of happiness, many spend their lives busy obtaining it, without knowing that it resides within ourselves. We look outside many things we carry inside!

Fifth, Find your purpose in life: We were born on this earth to discover and live the purpose for which we were created. Being happy and making others happy is the basis of this principle. Provide support to those who need it, give words of encouragement, hug tight, kiss with love, laugh without stopping and if you must cry, do it, they say that tears, clean the soul.

The sixth never postpone what you need to do at the moment: Procrastination is the cowardly act of not facing what you owe at the moment. Jesus said: "Every day has its eagerness" So take care of the things that touch that day, tomorrow still does not come and it is quite uncertain for us mortals.

Learn what all of us were created with the ability to succeed in everything you undertake ... failure is an essential part of success. Don't let a bad experience ruin a bright future; develop all those skills you have, you were born to be a winner. Do they make you bullying? Do not worry; they just do it to make fun of others the defects that they have and you will always find in your way, people like that.

One last thing I would like to tell you, my little and shy me:

Don't let anyone steal your dreams!

Fight for what you want and want: When you do things with passion, success will inevitably reach you and you will lead a more pleasant life; you will be like a big tree that shelters many birds that need to rest in your branches and other beings under your shadow. By doing these things, you will attract into your life other people who vibrate on the same frequency as you, who want to learn with the same integrity with which they teach.

Living like this, you can experience that life that you want so much and that today at your age, you only dream. If your parents have not been able to give you everything you want, it is because many of those things, you have to achieve them yourself, so that you learn the value of everything. Love them and honor them, because your days on earth will be more long and blessed.

There are many things that I would like to tell you, but I can not; If we help a butterfly out of its cocoon, we will prevent it from developing normally. So instead of stunting your learning, live fully, knowing that from mistakes, you will also learn, so that you continue building a decent life and turn your dreams into reality.

With an immeasurable love, I have written these lines for you and I remind you that it is never too late to start and live fully.

I love you.

@enginewitty y @untersatz dirigen una campaña de curación. Para participar puedes usar el tag #spreadlovenotwar para obtener más visibilidad por el grupo de curadores de la familia @thealliance .

The Power House Creatives (formerly known as the Steemit Bloggers) is a community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steem network. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steem and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...



You left me speechless. Your letter has a lot of inner value, the one we all carry inside and that many times we refuse to express either for lack of time, attention or courage. You have touched on key points for the human being and his evolution in life, in a simple and eloquent way at the same time, with words that come directly from the soul and that reach the soul of whoever has the immense pleasure of reading you. You write beautifully, dear @oneray. Thank you for putting within reach of all things that nourish the soul, I identified in each line because, many of these things, I try to practice them, some successfully and in others, not so much, but I continue walking through life, with the firm conviction that it is a gift and that everything that happens here is part of our growth and learning. I send you a loving hug and all my good vibes to make your path beautiful and successful. It is a great pleasure to read you.

Me dejastes sin palabras. Tu carta tiene mucho valor interior, de ese que todos llevamos por dentro y que muchas veces nos negamos a expresar bien sea por falta de tiempo, atención o valentía. Has tocado puntos claves para el ser humano y su evolución en la vida, de una forma sencilla y elocuente a la vez, con palabras que vienen directamente del alma y que llegan al alma de quien tiene el inmenso placer de leerte. Escribes hermoso, estimado @oneray. Gracias por poner al alcance de todos cosas que nutren el alma, me identifiqué en cada línea pues, muchas de esas cosas, trato de practicarlas, algunas con exito y en otras, no tanto, pero sigo caminando por la vida, con la firme convicción de que es un regalo y que todo lo que aqui nos sucede forma parte de nuestro crecimiento y aprendizaje. Te manod un abrazo cariñoso y toda mi buena vibra para que tu camino sea hermoso y exitoso. es un placer inmenso poder leerte.


Dear, the best thing that happened to me this week is to be able to meet really wonderful people. Thank you for your words, the support and the good vibes you impart with each comment.
Simply thanks.

Querida, lo mejor que me ha pasado esta semana es poder conocer gente realmente maravillosa. Gracias por sus palabras, el apoyo y la buena onda que imparte con cada comentario.
Simplemente gracias.


Sabios y estupendos consejos, sé que nadie aprende por cabeza ajena, pero saber que están allí para orientar a alguien es excelente. Todos me gustaron en especial, ¡No dejes que nadie te robe tus sueños! @oneray

Wise and great advice, I know that nobody learns from someone else's head, but I know they are there to guide someone is excellent. I especially liked them, don't let anyone steal your dreams! @oneray


Muchísimas gracias por las palabras de apoyo que recibo de usted. Valen mucho y me impulsan a ser constante y sobre todo, a ser mejor cada día. Un consejo nunca está demás, y si es para mejorar, bien vale la pena abrazarlo.

Thank you very much for the words of support I receive from you. They are worth a lot and impel me to be constant and above all, to be better every day. One piece of advice is never there, and if it is to improve, it is well worth hugging it.


A beautiful letter, with wise advice. We love this one:Don't let anyone steal your dreams!
You have our support, @Oneray
/Una carta hermosa con sabios consejos. Nos gusta mucho, éste: no permitas que nadie robe tus sueños.
Tienes nuestro apoyo, @oneray


Gracias. Espero poder participar pronto en las cosas que hacen en el club12.
Gracias por comentar y por el apoyo.

Thank you. I hope to participate soon in the things you do in the club12.
Thanks for commenting and for the support


Que bien, estaremos felices al verte participando.
EScribes muy bonito


Gracias :) Esas palabras tienen mucho valor para mí, viniendo de usted. Será todo un placer participar y un honor estar entre los grandes.
Un abrazo en la distancia.


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What a beautiful letter and such wise life advice. Super entry @oneray


Thank you very much, @jaynie. I hope to learn a lot from all of you in PHC and grow up to infinity and beyond.


Wisdom it the best thing and advice , and remember 8 tags are allowed.


I am very grateful for all the help you have given me. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.


Offcourse and I think you are a fast learner and with drakernoise in Spanish aswell 😉


Me encantó tu carta, desde el mismo título, "Una carta para mi". Pocos tienen la valentía de escribirse a sí mismos cosas que quieren decirse, que quieren recordar...
Tus letras contienen algunos mensajes que escuche alguna vez, otros nuevos para mi lectura, lo realmente novedoso es la manera como lo presentas.
Vale, te felicito y espero sigas trabajando igual de bien, @oneray

I loved your letter, from the same title, "A letter for me". Few have the courage to write themselves things that they want to say, that they want to remember ...
Your lyrics contain some messages I once heard, others new to my reading, the really novel thing is the way you present it.
Ok, I congratulate you and I hope you continue working just as well


Muchísimas, pero muchísimas gracias por esas palabras. Me llenan de emoción y entusiasmo. No fue fácil al principio; Había leído dos participaciones antes de decidirme a publicar. Fue todo un viaje, una experiencia única que me llevó a recordar muchas cosas que aún me persiguen.
Agradezco el comentario y sus buenos deseos.


Lleva siempre una libretita y un bolígrago encima y anota esas cosas que te persiguen, cuando salten a tu imaginación. Después las desarrollas. @oneray.
Disculpa que opine al respecto, pero para mi es muy útil, anotar ideas.


Than you for this beautiful letter, life is not easy we have to fight for it and reach our happiness.


So is. One day at a time and with constancy, we can reach any place we are wishing for.
Thanks for the comment :)


Yes, I agree that is the most important think to never forget


Yes, I agree that
Is the most important think
To never forget

                 - misschance

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
