Some suggestions for Steempeak



I am a big fan of Steempeak, in fact, I was one of the earlier ones to mention it.

If you are not using it or haven't checked it out, I highly recommend you do. Just go to and use keychain or Steem Connect.

I had a few suggestions that would be really cool to get implemented.

Global Blacklist API Integration

This is something I suggested a while ago and I think it would be a really good fit for Steempeak.

Right now you can use my Blacklist Notifier Extension to be notified when a user is on a blacklist across most of the known front ends (it even works with Steempeak).


Having it built-in would be awesome and would give everyone the benefit (if they turned the feature on) without needing to run the plug-in.

Downvote STU display

Right now when you hover over votes you can see what percentage everyone voted and how much STU they are worth.

If you hover over the downvotes, you can't tell how much the downvotes are.

Downvote estimate

When you vote, you can see how much your vote will be worth. (I don't believe it factors in the curve but it gives you a rough idea.)

When you do the same with a downvote, you cannot tell how much your downvote will be worth.

Unhide downvotes

If downvotes are going to be normalized hiding the downvote button isn't going to help encourage that. To do a downvote now you have to click the ... button and then click downvote.

Filter Claims Rewards

There are a lot of filters in the wallet, but one that doesn't exist is filtering "claim rewards". These are pretty spammy and typically for low amounts. I would love to see a checkbox to filter claim rewards transactions.

Sticky wallet filter

I would also like to see the wallet filters sticky if I check filter 0.001 transactions and leave and come back, it should still be checked. I think having "operations" reset but filters sticky would be ideal UX.

Proposal Balance

I would like to see the current balance of the @steem.dao account shown in this display.

I think it would also be cool to show a warning if the active projects will burn through the funding at some point based on current expenses.

Show Funded Proposals

Right now you have upcoming and started proposals, but neither of these reflects proposals actually getting funding. I think using another term instead of active like pending or awaiting approval instead of active. Active makes you feel like they are actually being funded, but most are not.

I believe there should be three states.

  • Proposals that haven't reached their start date
  • Proposals that have reached their start date
  • Proposals that have received enough votes to be funded (this can be further broken down to active/upcoming)

SP on Upcoming Proposals

Would be nice to see how much support upcoming proposals have. Right now any proposal that hasn't hit the start date will show 0 SP.

Hide Proposals

This is a big one for me in terms of proposals, if I know I will never support a proposal, I want to be able to click hide and remove it from the list. This should be persisted between refreshes and leaving and coming back. A tab can be added for "Hidden" to go back and change my mind.

Border around active proposals

There is a green line below the refund proposal and a notice that anything above this is receiving funding.

I'd would suggest going further and putting a noticeable border around the active ones and maybe even an icon.

I think something similar to how tribes show their promoted posts would be subtle but effective.

Dropdown recent posts for proposals

When creating a proposal it is expected you have created a post to discuss your proposal. It would be nice small touch to have a drop down will your recent posts to select from.

So instead of only typing it in, having a dropdown that you can just select your post.

This one isn't the top of my list, would be nice but not sure how many people write their proposal post longer than 7 days before making the proposal so I am not sure how usable it would be in reality.

Hide Tribes Visibility.

I think there should be a button here to turn off a tribe so they don't show up in the Tribes menu. Or even just have a "Favorite Tribes" you have to add Tribes by selecting them. The vast majority of people won't use the vast majority of Tribes but they take up the most valuable real estate.

There are some Tribes I will never use as they are not my niche's but they take up valuable real estate in the left-hand menu. Being able to select which ones you care about under the Tribes pane would be awesome.

Tribe Info

I'd also like to see more information about Tribes in that Tribes pane.

You can work in some basic details here like

  • Author / Curation Percentage
  • % Proof of Brain, % Proof of Mining, % Proof of State, % Beneficiaries
  • Downvotes enabled/disabled
  • Tokens produced /year

Maybe even a button you can click that gives more details so you can understand a little about the Tribe. All this information is easily accessible from the API.

Tribe Promotion Blue Border

I love that you pick up "Promoted" from the Tribes and I like the icon you have for it. I would go back to my earlier suggestion and suggest using a border as Nitrous does. It does a good job at making these posts stand out but does not clutter your UI. It may not work as well in this situation because your "boxes" are very tall vertically and the effect won't be the same, but something that pops would be nice. The icon is good but it doesn't stand out as much when skimming.

Display upvote and downvote power always

Right now this section is almost always displayed even when reading a post.

It would be nice to have some visual indicator of your current voting power (upvote & downvote ideally) so you can always see where you are at without flipping around pages/tabs.

I can go on, but these are what I feel are the best ideas.


how much SP does a tribe need to hold in their *no rewards for you" account in order to downvote content?


0, you don't need SP.

You need whatever token you are trying to suppress rewards for.

There is no answer to that question because each Tribe has its own tokenomics.
For example, STEMGeeks only produces 840K tokens a year while other Tribes produce as much as 10x that. While 1M works fantastic for STEM and will for the foreseeable feature, it won't for other tribes that are producing way more tokens a day.

If you or someone is planning a tribe, I highly recommend spending a good amount of time on the numbers as they are completely arbitrary on their own but once you put them together have to work in harmony.


thanks. am i correct in believing that having a large amount of SP in an account like this will also take away SP as well as tokens from the account being downvoted?


nostem4u has just enough SP to have RCs. I powered it up 50 SP and that's it. I typically only have to flag with 1% to remove STEM rewards. So it doesn't even take away $0.001 worth of Steem.


ty. this is what i thought just wanted to be sure.


Steempeak is quickly becoming my favorite. I like your proposals. They also need to do some things to fix my mobile experience.

I should be able to collapse a post at the bottom of the post.

I should be able to see comments by clicking the comment icon.

I should have other ways to support them asides from beneficiaries, such as a daily news and curated list, etc. Which I can just upvote.


I have only been using SteemPeak for months now. Portfolio is really useful if you use a lot of your own photographs in your posts. Another big advantage is how you can see most of your Scot token payouts by hovering the mouse pointer over the payout icons.


Awesome post and thanks for all the suggestions. Some of them are already planned for the upcoming releases ;)


Excluding most of the downvotes interface changes (which we've been discussing a lot as a team and i think you'll see several of those things implimented) I'll go through most of the points

  1. INTEGRATION OF BLACKLIST API ... this has been a ticket on our system for a bit added by @Asgarth after a discussion with you. He's attempted to explain what and why ... but maybe i'm just not motivated to understand it but i'm not sure really what it is and how it helps. Does it mute them does it mark them does it collapse their comments does it warn? Does it slow down the whole site if used? The big question for me is: will the end user have an option to use or not as they desire even if the default is on? That's a core foundation of steempeak. I guess i'd also want a system that allowed choice of which blacklist to integrate.

  2. FILTER CLAIM REWARDS IN WALLET: is easy enough but not sure why. Is it really an issue except to those who use constant AUTO claim? If it is i'm sure we can add to it... there's another ticket for wallet and actions queue to bulk up the functionality a bit. If others reading this really want it let us know.

  3. WALLET HISTORY FILTER SETTING: I mean i get the point if it applied to remembering the set of "all choices for filters". Maybe it's too niche and complicated for settings page but maybe "save last choice" or "save filter choice" box. But we'd have to see how complicated it is compared to how much value it brings. But i can envision a UI option that would be simple and intuitive.

  4. STEEM.DAO BALANCE: For user on the list of desires for the system.

  5. HIDE PROPOSALS: I'm a huge proponent of this as well.

  6. Other STEEM PROPOSAL STUFF: I'm gonna not comment to much on this as @asgarth has lots of upgrades and maybe including some substantial reworking to make the system for intuitive so we'll wait for the UI stuff for after that happens.

  7. FAVORITE TRIBES: I think this is in line with what we have for favoriting topics and users i see no reason not to do this and default the page to favorites IF user has chosen favorite tribes.

  8. TRIBE INFORMATION: We have a very substantial set of changes to tribes which would include the grid mode display but would give lots more information
    It's here in this proposal: ... you'll find on the proposals system. We think giving all this information for these tribes will help steem quite a bit.

  9. PROMOTION BORDER: Are you saying you'd want this instead of the tag we use? Meaning the tag doesn't do a good job? Or is there something else different about it?

Keep em' coming we loved your post.
We are just about done with implimentation of Proposal 1 which will promote BURN posts a lot more and proposal #2 is basically a list of 27 changes to TRIBES and will likely go in line with some other wallet changes.



It would just display a quick warning like my plugin does for anyone on a blacklist and what blacklists they are on as you can see in the image in the post. This would be optional so users can turn it off if they don't want it. (I am a big fan of users have ability to turn things on and off, so yes optional would be ideal.). You can also have an option to hide posts from users on a blacklist.


Because for many your wallet looks like this:


I'd like both tbh. I like the icon you use, but the border looks really good and does a great job of drawing your attention to those who decided to burn tokens for visibility.


I like SteemPeak too and am using it much more since they integrated Tribes. For what it's worth, I think these are great suggestions!

Posted using Partiko Android


I've noticed a few of those issues too, but Steempeak is generally much better than Steemit. It's my main desktop Steem tool now. Having everything work with Keychain makes life so much easier. I end up with a load of Steem sites open all the time. I would hope the developers can help each other.


some interesting ideas. I'm not a regular user of Steempeak except to add tags beyond the limit of ... some of these ideas might peak my interest enough to look in more often


Thanks for the great information. I really find knowledge in what you said. Noted. I will be among the current and constant Steempeak users. Thanks again ♨️♨️

Posted using Partiko Android


blacklisting is great, but until the opportunity to edit it is realized, either turn off this algorithm or compensate for errors daily with your own tokens


The blacklist is a living breathing list, it is edited and updated in real-time. Again you are on Minnow-Boosters blacklist and have to deal with them.


maybe blacklists provoke other haters who put flags on my blog. Collaborate with Minnow-Boosters, create a whitelist, or compensate for inconvenience (e.g. 150STEM/day)


You need to talk to them why you were put on the list as I said in your other posts.


I wrote three times, they told me that they did not have me, as well as reasons for this. The inconvenience comes from the author of the global blacklist. Please solve the problem


I have no control at all over their blacklist.


then turn it off until you improve:(


The fault isn't on my end, you need to talk to them. There is nothing I can do about their list. I have no idea why they blacklisted you.

I'm going to step out now as I'm not going to continue to go in circles. You need to take it up with them.
