RE: How I became the largest LEO stakeholder: the secret is buying when the price is low.

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Your views reflect mine. I am earning all the LEO I can by posting a number of times a day, all through the Steemleo front end.

I sold some down to .08 when I started buying. I also starting converting other tokens and getting LEO. I still have a bunch of STEEM in the pot just in case of a severe pullback. Nevertheless, I keep adding as I go along, feeling that anything under .30 is a good buy range. I have no reason to believe that your estimates of a .50 floor in 2020 is amiss.

The innovation that is being done by the Steemleo team is amazing which will be reflected in the token price. I actually foresee 1.00 LEO at some point. The team is very aware of doing things to enhance the value of the token.

This is going to be one of the best projects on Steem in my opinion.


Thanks. You are also a top LEO backer who puts lots of value to the tribe. Yep, upside of LEO can be even 2-5 Steem considering only 2.6M tokens are in circulation.
