Autism Breakthrough

Autism is known to be a lifelong condition that is not possible to recover medically.

Raun K. Kaufman, who wrote the book ‘Autism Breakthrough, claimed to have recovered from autism because of the use of the program ‘Son-Rise Program’ that was developed by his parents.

The Son-Rise Program Social Development Model teaches parents how to help their children develop social skills through lively and fun manner.

Video Source

Raun is the Director of Global Education for The Son-Rise Program at the Autism Treatment Center of America.

I guess whether it is possible for autism to recover, most parents may want to give it a try.

There is different degree of autism so it does make us wonder whether the program can work for all types of autism.

There are some resources to find out the techniques used in the Son-Rise Program.
Below is an example that you can find on youtube.

Video Source

Regardless of how useful and effective it is, there is really no harm to give it a try if you are a parent with autistic kid.

As a parent, we are willing to try all ways to help our children.

Disclaimer: This is my personal reflection and I am not in any position to instruct anyone what they should do. I am not responsible for any action taken as a result of this post. My post can only be a reference for your further research and growth. By reading this post, you acknowledge and accept that. All images and pictures were taken from google images that are free from copyright under labelled for reuse.
