Sex education of children.


Certainly as parents, we try to avoid the questions that our children ask about sex. Because it is a question that adults are ashamed to answer. After all, we, the parents, interpret the issue of sex and understand according to our standards, "adults." It is very difficult to explain all the processes at the children's level. Then it turns out that dad sends mom for an answer, and mom to dad.

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However, we should consider this topic important, so as soon as your child asks you a question about this topic, then it is time. And it doesn't matter how old you are 3 years old, or 7 years old. The difference will be in the methods of explanation.

For a 3-year-old baby, it will be enough to talk about what there are children, show in the children's encyclopedia what parts of the body these and those have, and also allow your baby to examine himself and everything he has.

If the child is between 6 and 8 years old, he can talk about the plot of love. In this sense, I really like the children's encyclopedia "All about this." It is designed for children of different ages. Therefore, you can find answers to many questions, and even the images are good, and this is important for children. You should speak without chewing words, out loud, but at the same time calmly, as if answering a question about, for example, why cabbage is a vegetable.

Communication on this subject depends on the age of the child, since the perception of the world in children depends on age and its development. If it is a child of 5-6 years (it is unlikely that this question arises before, because a chain of cause and effect is formed in children after 4 years), there will be enough explanations at the level of mom and dad. They met, they fell in love. And when people love each other, the Lord sends them a baby. Mom gets pregnant, she has a baby in her belly, after a while she is born. So you were born with us.

When you are an older child, you can say that men and women are physiologically different in their structure, so it is better to resort to children's literature, where there are enough images and in an understandable language for children everything is painted.

We must be prepared for when children begin to show interest in their sexual characteristics. This interest begins to manifest consciously after 3 years. It is at this age that the child begins to identify. Determine what gender it belongs to. Start comparing yourself to dad or mom. If a child wants to examine the parts of his body, let him do it. He will satisfy your interest and at this stage your knowledge of the body will end. If the child is ashamed and is not allowed to do this, then he can often put on his pants and touch himself. And in the growth stage, these prohibitions can cause sexual disorders.

The changes of puberty are important for all parents:

The puberty of girls begins at the age of 8-10 years, the first signs of growth appear breast mammary glands increase, the hairline begins to grow where it was not before.

In children, this period begins a little later from 11 to 13 years accelerated growth of the testicles and scrotum; After 13 years, the voice is broken, hair growth intensifies.

Dear parents, unfortunately for children the issue of sex is open and flows through all the information channels. Therefore, parents need to control the situation. Computer security programs, blocking of television broadcast channels.

But most importantly, if your child satisfies all your requests from his parents on a topic of interest to him, believe me, he will not seek a source of information.
