
88107429-A1D6-4082-89F1-4189DE97A69C.jpegHi there!
I hope you are all well. Today’s topic is about EASA module 4 its name is digital technique / electrical instrument display. This subject is necessary for an aircraft engineer because they must know the instruments work. How an engineer can abstract information from instruments during repairing or maintenance. If an engineer does not know about it how its work or which principal does it work then how can he fix it? Today our teacher have taught us very few things but all very important. It’s about indicators either it will be altitude meter, heading indicator, turn and slip indicator, variometer, air speed indicator, altimeter, speedo meter. But these instruments are very important for an pilot to fly his plane without damaging anything. Earlier some instruments were working in mechanically, mechanically is the basic type these instruments but along this method it also increases the weight or less efficient or late responses. With the passage of time in the world everything has upgraded and takes everything to the next level. So this is an aviation field so this requires as big improvements as we can do. To for modern and high speed aircraft like Black bird or passenger like Boeing 777 their need to have lest weigh or highly efficient. These instruments replaced with electronic engineering but the principal of all of these instruments are the same as it was work in mechanically. Well i hope i do my best in my field pray for me to the successful way.

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