How Has Steem Impacted My Life - a surprising journey


@theycallmedan came up with this great initiative to think about the impact that Steemit has in our lives since we became part of the community. I am lucky that he extended the deadline for the submissions as I wouldn’t be able to write my post on time. And here it is! But firstly, I would like to take this opportunity and thank Dan for this brilliant idea. I find it important to think about the positive side of things as there are many complains that I keep reading in some posts.

And now it’s time to share my thoughts about my Steemit journey…

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Around two years ago, a musician whom I followed on Instagram mentioned Steemit and its benefits in his stories. Don’t kill me for mentioning Instagram please 😊 I don’t remember his name as I don’t follow him for a long time, and he isn’t active on Steemit anymore, but he was the one who got me thinking about cryptocurrencies. I had heard about Bitcoin before, but I didn’t know much about it and considered it a scam. But there he was, a real person who was talking about cryptocurrencies. I had to check it out!

I opened my Steemit account with ID 789,524 in March 2018 and it took me two months to start contributing to the platform. Why did it take me so long? I was afraid that I had nothing to say and that people wouldn’t be interested in my posts. I think that my biggest fear was that I would fail. But I was dreaming about blogging for many years and my fears couldn’t hold me back forever, so finally in May I wrote my first post. My rewards were close to 0 for a long time but I found many friends and started to enjoy myself, and Steemit of course.

And let me tell you that I’ve been enjoying Steemit ever since. Well, at the beginning I was lost, and it took me some time to learn how it works here but I found @davemmcoy (or he found me 😊) and he taught me a lot about the blockchain. He is the one that I still keep bothering anytime I have a question.

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So how has Steem impacted my life?

There are so many things and I hope that I won’t forget to write about any of them.

  • Steemit helped me to believe in myself. I was excited about every single comment and surprised that people liked my posts. Slowly, I was building my confidence and I was looking forward to writing more posts. I remember when I got my first curie vote. I was so excited that I was jumping up and down and my husband thought that I was crazy! He didn’t get why it was such a big deal to me. There were more and more people coming to my posts and they were leaving those great comments. I could see that they really read what I wrote, and it made me feel good. I think it’s right to say that thanks to that I have built my confidence as writer.
  • I have developed my photography skills as I wanted to post good photos, photos that would tell a story, those photos that you enjoy seeing, and that make you feel like you were there with me. This was a challenge as I didn’t have that much experience because I spent most of my time at work and didn’t have a chance to develop this hobby (or any other hobbies). I was encouraged by the community and started to learn about the photography. I have realized that I really liked it and now I can’t imagine going out without my camera. I carry it with me to the strangest places – even to the gym, but this was more of a coincidence 😊
  • I have gained many new ‘online’ friends. I am not going to name them here as they know who they are. I am grateful for all of them as thanks to them I fell in love with writing. Their support means a lot to me and I hope that they know it. I haven’t managed to attend a Steem Fest yet, but I do hope that this year will be my first one. Steemit made me change my opinion about the social media. It doesn’t need to be all artificial and they are real people behind the account names. People who are there to listen to you and help you as much as they can. I wish I could meet all of you in person.
  • I found a new passion – art. I’m not an artist by any means but there are so many amazing artists on Steemit! I have visited many galleries across Europe but found them rather boring. I couldn’t understand those paintings or sculptures and at some point, I didn’t feel like visiting such institutions anymore. Last year, I started to follow tags such as art, ntopaz and creativecoin and found so many interesting artworks. And the best thing is that these artists talk about their inspirations and motivations. This helps me to understand them and appreciate their work. I’ve been following these tags ever since and support many of these artists on a daily basis.
  • I have learned about the blockchain which was a new word to me. What does that mean? Now, I am that cool person who can speak about it with my friends and family even though I have no technical background. I am sure that I still make some mistakes, but they have no idea, so it’s all good. I am also trying to onboard them, but it will take some time. I might be getting my brother here soon as he would like to share his photos but it’s a tough cookie as he doesn’t really speak English and doesn’t want to write in Slovak neither. But I think he will get there.
  • Money, money, money - I usually don’t talk about it but we all know that there are incentives for submitting our stories on Steemit. In the past, I used to be very active on Instagram. I had more than 10k followers and I spent hours maintaining my account each day. Nobody ever paid me. And then I started posting on Steemit. It was a totally new world and I couldn’t believe that incentives were real.
  • I started trading - I’m not saying that I have big fat wallets but I have some small amounts invested in various cryptos which is a big development if you know that just two years ago I considered cryptos to be a scam. I remember when I first bough some Steemit. I was so nervous and literally sweating as I was afraid that I would make a mistake and lose my money. Now, I am much more confident, and these transactions come naturally to me.

I have listed quite a few points and I think that everyone can see that Steemit has changed my life in a positive way. I am not the same person that I was two years ago, and I can honestly say that Steemit has played a big role in this change.

Thank you for reading!



(Photos in this post were already used in my previous posts)


Awesome contribution from an awesome Steemian! I always enjoy your detailed beautiful adventurous blog posts. Do you share your Steem posts to your 10k Insta followers? Maybe you'll inspire ppl just as you're inspired!!? ❤ Steem on!!


Thank you for your kind words! Well, in the meantime it is only over 6k as I wasn't active for almost two years :) I have a link to my Steemit account in my bio and from time to time I do share some posts there :)


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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.


Well you surely have made steemit a prettier place with your posts! It does take some patience to get used to and is for sure a big learning curve but glad you stuck to it and I hope you continue for many years and ups and downs to come


Very nice post and really inspiring for me, most of the time I publish photos of the places I have visited, but when I read you, I am also inspired to write the story behind the photo, thanks for what you share.


You should definitely write something about your photos as people want to know about your experience :) Thank you for stopping by! I'm glad that I inspired you! :)


Thanks for the advise, now I do that.


Glad to have met you and seen some of your great travel posts. The photos have always wowed me and in part, made me want to write more travel blogs along with the travelfeed community!

And it was cool to know you like a rave as well haha 😁

Steem on!


Glad to have met you, Nicky! Yay! I'm so glad to hear that! Your travel posts are great and it would be a pity if you wouldn't share them with us :)

Thank you for stopping by!

PS: Going for another one at the beginning of Feb. Qdance is celebrating 20 years and it's going to be an amazing party! Its called Dediqated ;)


Jej to se hezky četlo :) Kdybych se téhle výzvy zúčastnil i já, dost věcí bych popsal podobně ;) Ono to zní jako otřepaná fáze, ale Steem opravdu spoustě z nás změnil život...


Dakujem! :) Ved nieco napis aj ty :) Som si ista, ze vela ludi by si to rado precitalo.. a samozrejme aj ja! ;) Ako sa mas? Mate na Azoroch 'plavkove' pocasie?


Uvažuju, že bych taky něco sepsal, ale popravdě ani nevím, kde začít :D Steem mi změnil život v tolika ohledech...

Tady na Azorech není vyloženě plavkové počasí asi nikdy, ani v létě :D (zvlášť pro nás zhýčkance z Karibiku :D) ale pár otužilců se tu najde vždy, i teď v lednu :)


Martina, So great to read your post. I enjoy going on your adventures with you and have definitely seen your photography improve. You capture the world in a beautiful (both photography and writing) way and then are able to take us with you. I look forward to meeting some day!


Thank you, Sara! It's great to hear that you see my improvement and it makes me proud as it's coming from such an amazing photographer like you! :)

Have a nice day!


Nice to read about your steemit/steem journey Martina. I always enjoy your photographic talent. Hope all is well with you these days.


Thank you 'angryman' - I still can't connect this name with you :D

I'm doing well, a little bit tired for no reason but I blame the weather :) How are you?


Oh, I'm doing well too Martina. Thank you.


First of all, you have NEVER bothered me... :D ... I love helping you any time I can and think you are truly a natural at this. I believe you are very talented, not only with photographs, but also with storytelling. You grasp people's attention (which is no small feat) with your intuitive understanding of what is interesting. In my opinion, this sets you apart from the crowd.

I'm very happy and feel fortunate to watch the world through your eyes Martina, I feel its a gift that I've been given and I cherish it!!!

I hope you win the contest from @theycallmedan, but win or lose you are something special that has added true value to Steemit!


Howdy Martina! Well said and I think most of us can relate to almost all your points!


Martina, I just read your story. and, knowing how valuable even one comment may be, I will stop by to respond back. I came here just 13 months after you, not at steemit's peak, and I have a lot of same points, as you describe in your story. maybe its mostly not about the money (but I wonder to know how this money tree will look like a dozen years after!) but about improving my photo skills. it is a good place after all -- better then instagram, and the best thing is that its under our control (well, more or less... or at least we can have happily such an impression!)

ps. i extremely enjoy about the name of your blog how it sounds. vtw 'qwerrie' in esperanto means 'pigeons language, sounds of pigeons talking'. see you next time!
