Christians ought to be humble at all times least any man should boast of his own salvation.

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God
9.not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV

When we sat that a man is humble, we mean that there is the absence of self and pride, there are many ways a man will do things, and there are expressions and positions that will blow up the heart of a man. Little wonder David said a prayer once that God should not give him too much, too much that he should boast (pride) and ask who is God? Neither should he make him poor that he should steal and put God’s name in shame.


This is a rare prayer that anyone of such position as David the King could have prayed. I doubt that someone like myself would have like to offer such prayer, yet David did to show that he desire to have more of God than wealth and vain glories.

A man that is humble considers other’s first before himself. Humility spells out the act of considering others to be better than you, looking at others as they are better than you could sometimes be very humiliating, but that is just what Jesus did through is lifestyle and ministry.

In John 13:1-17 tells the story of Christ who at a point in his earthly ministry had to stoop low to washing his disciples’ feet to the amusement of the disciples who were totally dumbfounded because what they saw and experienced themselves was kinda abnormal for a master to wash the servant’s foot. As prove the aforementioned fact one of the disciples, Peter, had to say out his mind that he does not want Jesus to wash his feet but he should do that instead.

One would not really blame Peter for suggesting this to Jesus, but looking at what he said, it showed the human nature which constantly fights against the spirit. Peter said that it was abnormal for a king, royalty, priesthood, and an important person as Jesus to wash their feet. I guess that if Peter were to be Christ, he would not have done this because of pride. Yet Jesus proved otherwise that humility can be seen even among the priestly.

Christ clearly started his mind about pride in this verses below when he drew his disciples attention to this:

15.I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

More so, once in the scripture the disciples we arguing about who was the greatest among them and who would be seating close to Jesus at the throne in heaven. Thank God for Jesus, he knew what they were thinking and he had to quickly draw their attention to the fact that he who wants to be the greatest must first of all think of himself as the least, have you had a rethink of what that could mean? If not, I would say that Christ was actually trying to warn them against vying for positions and fame at the expense of the kingdom work which was and is to win souls for the kingdom.

Christ further said to the mother of one of the disciples that brought their children to him to make them have a position beside him at the kingdom that such request cannot be granted because He had no such power to decide who was gonna be sitting with Him on the throne but His Father.


This may seem a bit wired and maybe a derailing from the message. Nevertheless, for the lack of a better illustration, I want to share an experience I had few Sundays ago in the church.
Please come by in the evening for the full story, I am sure that there will be a lot to learn. God bless you all in Jesus name, amen.


Lord teach me to me humble.
Lord help me to think of others to be important too be important too like me.

Thank you for reading my blog, do have a great weekend.


Humble yourselves because the way up is down. Thanks for this wonderful message.


Thank you for stopping by at my blog. I am glad that the message caught your attention. I have as well caught deep insight from your comment.

Humble yourselves because the way up is down.

Bless you
