Now with Appics and its APXs. Could we finally displace away competitors and push to Instagram to the gutter?


This post is the second installment of a trilogy of interesting articles that I plan to post subsequently one after the other thru these next days.
¡Stay in tune!

And in consequence, a new attempt to recover and promote healthy discussions on some topics of interest that concern us all and procure enthusiastic user engagement on the Steem Blockchain once again.

SF4 is over. And with all the new knowledge gained through the cycle of brainy conferences & presentations in this great event. I guess it's about time to disturb the hornet's nest nonstop trying to throw a good bunch of X-treme ideas, some kinky thoughts and perhaps, maybe a few daredevil considerations and reflections on the table too.

So, ok let's get into the matter.

"Popularity Contests"

No Like Counts

Avoiding users herd mentality to know what to Like ...or Upvote!!

If all of the sudden, many popular Social Networks will attempt to remove publicly available engagement metrics from their platforms. Would they be able to achieve get a healthier internet without likes, shares and/or upvote counts at the view of their own audience and content consumers?


Online, value is quantifiable. The worth of a person, idea, movement, meme, tweet, shit post or well thought out wordy article is often based on a tally of actions: as by instance, thumbs up, swipes-up, retweets, shares, likes, hearts, views, replies, followers, claps, upvotes & flags, estimated payouts & visible monetary earnings among many many others we can catch and notice thru competitor profiles.


Cranky Gandalf

¡Kinda! ...some sort of INFLUENCER.

Influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online acquisition channel. High demand of influencers provokes bloggers to buy fake followers, likes and comments to enhance their advertising revenue from brands.

Testing a change to How You See Likes Upvotes.


Yeah, Appics is our best steem blockchain pupil and contender to beat and snatch to Instagram the big gold champion belt in these Social Media heavyweight leagues. Especially now that Hivemind & Communities and above all SMTs are finally around the corner. Sheesh, two years waiting.

But ¡Watchout! maybe our fine pupil has wasted a little bit too much time sparring against his shadow only. And now he has arrived a little late to the dispute. And most likely, he will have to face first a great variety of aspiring novice contenders out there who also are after the Big Gold Champion Belt and intend to bring down the giant with a single blow to the jaw.

If you post a picture on internet, on social media, on the blockchain or wherevah and no one sees how many people liked it, or upvoted it, does it still exist? ¡Eureka! that's exactly the question.

How would the removal of Likes & Upvotes counts change user behavior? Would users be less inclined to tap 'Like or Upvote' if they didn't have the context of how many others had done the same? And how would all that impact overall on-platform engagement?

Do you feel yourself like a major STEEM influencer?

Perhaps more like a STEEM nano-influencer?

Or just an average Joe doing his thing?


This is a #discussion post!

A #discussion post is intended to spark an engaging conversation with the community. Everyone is encouraged to participate in the discussion below with thoughtful comments! Remember to upvote the comments that are adding value to the discussion. You can read more about the #discussion tag here: Hey Steemains - Let's start a #discussion!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



SMT is really needed for this use case. A bunch of vapid selfies pushed to trending is certain to cause consternation.


Agreed!! and let's pray in the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster that the SMT testnet throw good results sooner than later with no bugs whatsoever before an avalanche of 'consternating' selfies start to take over the steem rewards pool by storm. Hahahaha

Doesn't this guy look like a true influencer?

No wonder he has the potential to be pushed to trending in no time!!
