HF23 Update; McAfee's Ghost Fork; SMF5 COVID Admission



So apparently stealing user funds is like super bullish.

LOL, you can't make this shit up (continued...)


In response to many whales on Steem getting their accounts siphoned the price spikes? Seriously mind blowing. It is unclear whether the exchanges will accept this BS, as their involvement could be devastating in the wake of impending lawsuits. That's where everyone's focus seems to be right now; on the exchanges making sure they know what is about to happen so that we can point back to it later and be like,

"See? They allowed this to happen."

Or better yet they will reject the fork and Steemit Inc will be in quite an awkward situation indeed.

The code for the fork has been leaked, and apparently coins are not being sent to @null but rather (surprise surprise) they are all being dumped into a regular account that was created 11 days ago (@community321). Gee, I wonder who controls that account (@smitop apparently?).

I saw this coming a mile away.

We showed those idiots how to do this with the code from our own fork. Of course they were going to use that code against us. This is evidence of once again these programmers have no idea what they are doing because they have no idea how Graphene works. I'm not even sure if any of them are even C++ devs.

In any event, I feel like I've talked about this topic too much (3 posts in a row), so lets move on to something else.

One last thing:

Splinterlands is moving to Hive in the wake of this shitstorm.
I'd call it a silver lining but that would probably be an insult to Splinterlands.
Any gain we receive from Steem at this point is a huge bonus.


McAfee's Privacy crypto GHOST is a fork of PIVX


PIVX, another privacy coin which initially came as a fork of DASH, accused McAfee and his team of plagiarizing the GHOST whitepaper.

McAfee's response is quite apt!


I agree with this 100%

Intellectual property does not exist in this new emergent open source economy. People who bitch about "plagiarism" are uninformed and don't understand the point of crypto. They are just mad because they think someone is stealing from them.


We obviously are seeing the same thing with Hive right now.
No, we did not plagiarize Steem, that is ridiculous.
Anyone who says otherwise is making a fool of themselves.

Although McAfee of course had to explain that he meant BCH (Bitcoin Cash) and not BTC but whatever. Do we really expect better from this cokehead?

I still haven't written the blog post about the documentary I watched on him. I guess I'll just give a synopsis here.

  • He moved to Belize and constantly bribed the police department with "gifts"
  • He hired over a dozen gang members and turned them into mercenaries.
  • He hired a scientist who was trying to develop medical treatments, but instead ended up creating a new kind of new designer drug that doesn't test positive on any lab reports.
  • The GSU (gang suppression unit) raided his compound with 42 soldiers and found his "meth lab" but no known drugs tested positive.
  • When the scientist finally decided to leave the toxic environment she was drugged and raped.
  • His attack dogs terrorized people on the beach.
  • Someone poisoned his attack dogs and he blamed a nearby neighbor who he had previous run-ins with about the dogs.
  • He payed one of his thugs $5000 (literally nicknamed Mac-10) to taze him dozens of times and then shoot him executioner's style in the head.
  • That thug was later paid (or forced by violence) to leave the country.
  • In the wake of the assassination McAfee panicked and fled the country illegally to neighboring Guatemala.
  • Belize has a 3% murder rate conviction, so he was more worried about getting killed in prison than actually losing a court case. Either that or he was just high as shit on his own supply of designer drugs.
  • A random news outlet was able to find him and he was captured.
  • He faked a heart attack for 3 hours so he wouldn't be deported.
  • He made it back to the USA scot-free.
  • McAfee pays prostitutes exclusively to shit in his mouth.
    I'm not joking.

So clearly,

This is a guy we should be welcoming with open arms into the crypto community. lol. I guess that's what we get for being all-inclusive :D


Which one is the reptile?! I'm seeing double!

I received a text message from Amazon while at work last night.

8:34 PM PST

Hello, Amazonians. We want to let you know we recently learned of a confirmed case of COVID-19 of an SMF5 associate. Due to privacy laws, we cannot disclose personal information, but the last day the affected infividual was on site was April 7, 2020. Consistent with our daily processes, the site has undergone enhanced cleanings since the individual's last day. We have taken a number of measures to keep us all safe and healthy.

8:38 PM PST

In accordance with guidance from the CDC, WHO, local health authorities, and private medical expert advice, if someone is determined to have been in close contact (within 6 feet), we will proactively reach out to them individually to advise them of their possible exposure to COVID-19. If you feel sick, please STAY home. Thank you for everything you're doing for the community during this unprecedented time. As always, if you have any question, please reach out to ANY manager or HR team member.

I was in the break room at 9:30 PM PST on May 18 when I read this. As phones are not allowed on the floor, many of my coworkers read the message and discussed it during break.

It was nice to see some outrage.
One associate was like:

I guess they are going to shut down this site then...

To which another responded:

No, they are too greedy.

And then made reference to the fact that Bezos will be a trillionaire soon... which is crazy because I just read an article from three years back poking fun at him for dipping under 100 billion. Interesting how he's gone x10 in three years while his stock has "only" gone x3.


Unfortunately, the respect for my coworkers dwindled as the conversation devolved into fear-based rhetoric. Talking about how they are going to call the doctor and making a big deal about one person testing positive over a month ago.

Speaking of which, isn't it obviously apparent that Amazon held onto this information for as long as possible and the only reason they sent the message out in the first place was because someone was blowing up their spot and making it look like they were withholding the information (because they were)? Yes, clearly they knew about this a while ago and kept it quiet, which is likely why they've been so aggressively ramping up "safety" measures like the Infrared scanner at the front doors.

Don't tell my girlfriend!

I've had to suppress an immense urge to be transparent about this and let everyone know in my household. However, sounding the alarm in this way only stands to cause more harm than good. It certainly feels like a "you can't handle the truth" moment.


Why are we on lockdown?

The official rationale is that we don't want the medical system to become overloaded. If that's the case, then no one is currently in danger because hospitals in this area are empty.

The people that live in my house would only panic if I told them.
Nothing good can come of it.
They are already panicked.


What do you think?

My girlfriend sent me that meme and she's always talking about how she "feels warm" or concerned about some random cough.

This is terrorism at its finest.

The best scare tactics are the ones that divert the victim's attention away from the real problem. On that note, let's all host a requiem for the economy. That damn Rona sure did a number on it.


"McAfee pays prostitutes exclusively to shit in his mouth.
I'm not joking."

Whaaat? This is hilarious.



Did he ever have regular inter... like vaginal intercourse?

No, that was the only thing I did.


Wtf? Thank you for this video...I guess. I knew he was crazy but this is a whole new level. :D


The guy is a total thug and obviously not wound too tight.

He is enjoyable to listen to, provides great entertainment value.

Sadly, people put him on a high horse like he is some type of crypto god. He had done some good things but is mostly a distraction.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Who? Justin Sun?
Just kidding, they're all nuts.


LOL Of course McAfee did 10,000 times what Sun ever dreamed of doing.

At least McAfee, for all his faults, was at the forefront of the cybersecurity industry.

Posted Using LeoFinance


A true eccentric.

When Salvador Dali was accused of Nazi sympathies, he replied that he had always lusted after Hitler's alabaster skin. This special hammock thing goes way beyond that.


Crypto stealing is a grade one fraudulent act and activities.


Splinterlands is moving to Hive in the wake of this shitstorm.

If this happens, the Steem blockchain withers and dies. Load https://steemd.com/ at any random point and it’s easy to see that a huge chunk of the activity is Splinterlands-related. Without Splinterlands, Steem is a ghost town.


That might help them... it's obvious they can't maintain the blockchain at it's normal capacity these days.


Imagine when they change their name to BLURT lol. Who the hell will want to be associated with that nonsense? Steem isn't the greatest name but wtf, blurt?


Changing their name?

Gotta admit that I’m clueless about BLURT.


Yeah it’s absolutely absurd but I learned about it from a friend on here. Tentative for July I think.


blurt is just a fork, they aren't "changing their name"


I seem to have misunderstood the message then, entirely possible.


I'm not sure that I follow the rationale that someone is conspiring to keep everyone home - everyone loves money way too much to keep us at home for a day longer than is necessary. So I guess the questions are, are the hospitals really truly empty or does someone just decide they feel empty... if the hospitals in your area are empty, are they also empty in all the surrounding areas too? I think everyone forgets that people aren't the brightest, so as soon as you give an inch... suddenly everyone is licking each others eyeballs.


"everyone loves money way too much to keep us at home for a day longer than is necessary"
I hope you have a better reason than that. Do you really think the people calling the shots need our money? They can (and are) printing trillions from thin air. It's about control, not money.


Control of what though? What has anyone gained by keeping us at home?

The Fed is printing a ton of money, but I think the States and local Councils still need all our tax dollars, I doubt it trickles down, especially to blue states... Yes, a ton of companies are getting free printed money, but I'm also sure there are many more that pour money into lobbyists and PACs that aren't happy. All the Oil companies can't be thrilled, and the US loves it's oil so much.


Keeping you in place IS controlling you, for starters.

Most places are also doing things like not accepting cash, limiting you to 2 of each item, talking about closing grocery stores forever and moving to smart phone app delivery purchases, etc.

Teaching you to shelter in place when told is important because it will be used again. The more compliant you are now, the easier it will be now and in the future to keep you ignorant and domesticated.


To what end though?

What is an ignorant and domesticated populace ultimately good for?
You can't innovate or create incredible products or solve problems or really do anything with a super compliant population. You definitely can't take on a powerhouse like China who are authoritarian, motivated, extremely hard working and highly educated.


When you have control over a domesticated populace, you profit off them. That's what's going on right now. 1% of 1% controls 99% of the resources on the planet and keep everybody else ignorant of everything - including their existence for the most part.

Check out The Matrix, it explains how things work.


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I just don't really understand how this works.

How do you profit off people staying home and not spending their money? I would have thought everyone spending as much as their cash as possible and getting into huge amounts of debt would be far more profitable for the 1% then the current lock in.

The Keanu Reeves movie? That Matrix? I've seen it so many times, it's one of my favourite movies ever... but I don't think it applies here.


This is a controlled demolition of the economy. They get to decide if the stock market goes up. They get to decide if the stock market goes down. They can short or long the market, they can tank housing and buy all the property cheap as dirt. There are a million ways to make bank during a crisis like this. These cycles are inevitable, so the people that control them make sure they happen on their terms rather than randomly.


That honestly does sound a bit more likely. The stock market in it's current state has to be one of the worst inventions of mankind ever. I totally get why a company might go public to raise funds for expansion... but honestly, this whatever the stock market has become is just the absolute worst.


You ever read the USA's 13th Amendment to the Constitution?

It makes slavery illegal - except for government.

All prisoners are slaves. It's literally US law, part of the Constitution.

Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave.

If you want to know the answers to your questions about hospitals, there is voluminous video already produced by hundreds of private individuals, medical workers, and the statements of administrators themselves, or you could just go and see for yourself.

They're laying off staff en masse.

Money is not wealth. Owning people is a source of actual wealth, because people make goods and provide services. National banks write up notes for $T's lately, which national governments agree to pay back, which creates $T's that those national banks then spend on stocks and bonds. This leaves the taxpayers of the nations borrowing the money that was created out of thin air liable for those funds the national banks put in the pockets of selected investors in stocks and bonds.

The stock market is not even a dim reflection of reality. It's nothing but a scam, a massive fraud.

Actual wealth is the things you can buy with money, like love. For a mere $200/hr, you can buy a lot of love.

Octolingus (eyeball licking) will probably cost extra though.


So apparently stealing user funds is like super bullish.

Imagine it's wash trading myself, creating the illusion there is demand.

It's amazing Justin Suns lawyers are unable to rein him in. This is some top notch criminal bullshit, and to equate it as they did on their Steemit post justifying it is absurd. No way can this fork be equated to their outright theft as they say on their post.

Didn't realize McAfee was so violent. Knew he was nuts, but damn. Guessing he has hepatitis given his penchant for eating human waste. Crazy thing, when I was reading this part made me think of Jerry Banfield. Those two are probably soul mates.

Keep waiting to see a mini-me Bezos. I picture him studying Pinky and the Brain, taking notes on where the Brain went wrong.

"Oh, and now that they're certain you don't have the virus since its been longer than the incubation period, you might have been exposed to it. But you weren't so we will tell you about it now. Now, back to the packages. People want their orders with 2 day shipping."

Glad you didn't get it, although might be cool if you had as it would mean you are asymptomatic.


Try to take over the world!

I think I had COVID mid Feb (Valentine's Day).
Talked about it a few times.


Shameful what Sun is doing.
For years, we told each other "Steemit and Steem aren't the same thing", over and over. Bashing newbies over the head with that mantra, until they too could repeat it, and join us in bashing more people with it. Over and over and over, for years. What happens to Steemit doesn't necessarily happen to Steem, and vice versa! Get it through your thick heads, everybody! The 2 are completely separate! Our funds, accounts, and posts are safe!



The last time that steem pumped it coincided with Hive dumping after Upbit enabled withdrawals and the freezing of several accounts. This time Upbit opens trading for HBD & Hive and HF23 on steem is announced plus HBD dumps. Let me put my tinfoil hat on.

Posted Using LeoFinance


You copied our coin!
Well duh.
Every crypto is a copy of all that came before it.
There just really isn't that much difference that can happen in a computer keeping track of money.

But, it really does sting when you work really hard on something but can't get any traction, and then some big name waltzes off with your thing and sells if for a fortune.

I am unsure about that list on McAfee. The way he tells the story, all those points are sorta correct, but really leave the wrong impression.

Like "He moved to Belize and constantly bribed the police department with "gifts"

This is SOP for any rich person in a 3rd world nation.
It is only weird to straight middle class people who only see crime families and politicians on TV.
In Chicago, still, if you want to run for office, these "men in suits" will show up at your office and give you a price for you being able to run.

Sooooo, most of that list is just what happens when two groups argue out something in a third world nation.

First the CCP, then Amazonium covering up The Rona... We all know they are cut from the same cloth.


In some cases and this is one of them we are like in the Wild Wild West where anything is possible and thieves are all over the place. I consider a suicide for Steem continuing this way.


Great post, fear, everyone must live in fear, because the gov said so, and some expert who is always wrong.

Do you know good sir if there is a hive version of steem engine?.

Thanks in advance if you do.


The 'rona did nothing to the economy.

It was politicians killed it, for reasons other than plague prevention.

Fortunately, Oregon has been forced to allow taverns to open again, so the Oregon economy is saved. Turns out all we need is that pretentious craft beer to survive.

OTOH, I think there's historical precedent for this. Weren't the laborers that built the pyramids paid in beer?

That's true decentralization, right there.
