RE: For those getting downvoted by dust


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I don't give a fuck.
However I have 4 solutions for people who do. 1 to 3 require hardfork. 4 is a front end solution

1 no free downvotes unless 500 sp
2 no free downvotes unless 50 rep
3 no free downvotes unless active post or comment

4 hide dust downvotes and upvotes entirely worth less than 0.005sbd or 0.01steem, can view if you click details or change settings.

If it gets out of hand we can make something like dust bunny to help people get over their -0.001 or whatever it adds up to


Option 5. Have their delegations pulled. I thought there was a list somewhere for removing networks who are trying abuse the faucet.


Won't matter for the new accounts to come as they will get RCs only


I thought they were supposed to stop giving out 20 SP or whatever it is to new accounts now that RC exists, but I guess pulling the delegations makes sense, although it would probably be a full-time job.
Maybe they can just have it automatic, if you are voting at less than 25% (something noobs with 20SP probably shouldn't be doing) or do a single downvote you lost it.

  • Make more downvotes then upvotes.
  • Make downvotes but haven't made a posting for 7 days.

There are so many ways dust accounts selected. And why not cut there SP and RC delegation? Force the owner to buy steem in order to reactivate the account?


I think getting to tough on it immediately is not a problem. Cutting the SP delegation is a great idea. Also making Downvotes cost a lot more RC is also a good idea. Make it difficult for accounts with low SP to do this sort of thing. Right now it's too difficult to figure out who is doing it.


Thanks @abitcoinskeptic You are the first comment that really "does GAF"

1,2,3,& 4 prove this.

And the fact that I care about my post, and "GAF" is somehow a bad thing?

Mosquito bites..... Smfh.

You ever pass out and wake up with a hundred Mosquito bites.? But "Don't GAF" and pass out again the next day for more right...? I doubt it...

Some commented about feelings being hurt and drama. This is just confusing to me.....?

You all, from what I see, put out some really great stuff. It has value to You from the very first sentence or You would not keep doing it as long as You have. I see 2-3 downvotes on a few of your older posts. But imagine as many downvotes as up. Would my question to @tarazkp have turned into "Hey Noob, Stop Giving a Fuck...?" ehhhh maybe.

But.... Not one of the comments on this, making me out to be the clown, has ever had as many downs as ups on votes....

Frustration & anger, emotions I guess You would feel too if.....

If I got a couple downs, by real people, and they had to comment to do so, maybe like... "Cats Suck, Dogs Rule!!" I would LMAO, Not GAF, and figure it is some redneck feeding kittens to his pitbulls.... Heheh

And Sorry, but I am always gonna "GAF" it is just who i am.... and i think You do too..... Cuz You, and the others commenting, put out some great stuff on here, too good to not GAF.

From what I have seen @tarazkp your bro @galenkp puts his heart and soul into each and every one of his postings. I bet you do also. I hope that my posting will have that kind of heart and soul someday. Cuz I "GAF"

I understand the "Not GAF" concept.

I employ it every day out here on the road to survive another day.....


And @tarazkp turned this into a really great post..... Probably cuz He "Does GAF," right...?

I kinda knew I might get "Clowned" by asking. But I have nothing but respect for those who criticise and own it.....

But maybe it will be a private message question next time..... Lol

Lesson learned, I will not ask again.


Hahha. Those pictures are awesome.
1,2,3,4 means I thought about this issue and some solutions. Unfortunately, I don't think they will do a hardfork just for 1,2,3, but maybe on the next omnibus hard fork they could consider it. The front ends can definitely do no.4.

I don't even care about the negative vote, I just care about the negativity it's creating around here. People get all bent out of shape and it spoils the vibe of the place....for what some dude who used an account ticket to make a new account and just downvotes people with it....really sad.
