Daily Report Update And Splinter Land Games Experience Day 66


Hello friends it’s so good to have you around today. Thanks so much for stopping by to check on today’s post. You are highly welcome to today’s update report. How are you and your loved ones doing today I strongly hope you are doing well over there and you are staying safe as well.

We bless God Almighty for a brand new day like this even in the midst of all the crises and death that has been happening here and there, but God in his infinite mercy is keeping us safe may his good name be praised for ever.

In my previous post I talked about igniting your creative skills and exploring it to the whole world to see. I talked about exploring new things, think out from the old box to form something new. My father usually tells us that a person who asks questions about a direction never misses his/her way in life. Been creative and exploring it does not only come from your own ability, it also comes from people’s contribution. In exploring your creative skills, you need to ask relevant questions about anything you are not sure of. I used relevant questions because sometimes people can ask question that are not important.

You need to ask yourself questions about such as why, how what if? Find out the answer to your questions. You can also keep a curious journal and track all of your findings, it helps a lot. I usually tick out what I have achieved from my findings you can try the same.

Today’s game did not go too well because I suffered so much defeat before completing today’s quest. Here are my rewards for today.
Thanks so much for reading today’s post, am so grateful you did. Until I come your way again tomorrow stay safe and take good care of yourself. Bye for now.
