Daily Report Update And Splinter Land Game Experience Day 54


Hello friends I am so delighted you stopped by today to check on today’s post. You are highly welcome to today’s update report. How are you and your loved ones doing under this lock down, I hope you are keeping safe at home under this lock down period.

We have been enjoying a cool and pleasant weather since the beginning of the week, the weather is neither hot nor cold it’s just a moderate weather and very peaceful as well. As I always say everyday is a great day filled with bigger opportunities it’s only left for us to observe, uphold and utilize the opportunities you have before they passes you by. We have been issues with adequate power supply over here, even if it is fixed now it will develop another fault which will take up to a day or two to fix. Am even having a flat battery,

I just want to drop this before it does off.
The splinter land games is getting interesting by the day I completed today’s quest with just 3 defeat and after completion I got my rewards.


Thanks so much for reading this post today, I really appreciate your time and efforts spent on this post, until I come your way again tomorrow stay safe and take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Bye for now.
