October 11, 19: Walking, Zombierun, and Dogsitting


Didn’t really achieve a whole lot this morning other than the usual stuff. Spent some time chatting with folks over on Discord. Was raining pretty hardcore most of the day, so a bit of Xbox was in order.

In the afternoon I got out, and even though I did get rained on quite a bit, I put in some solid distance. That’s got to count for some kinda’ dedication...most people don’t walk at all let alone in the 🌧. Wasn’t too cold, though, so I only get half a gold star. 😁


It’s been such fantastic summery weather lately, I suppose we were about due for a day like today.


Holy crap there were some zombs today! I was trapped in a prison with a crazy warden who liked to keep lots of crawlers around. I escaped, but I had to sacrifice two items. 😢. The bastards came one right after another, three in a row and while I beat the first one the next two caught up to me. So, mission accomplished but only six of eight zombies evaded today...live to fight another day.


This mushroom was growing in someone’s lawn just down the street. Looks like it got so ripe it turned itself inside out.


As I was taking the shot of the shroom, a little cricket 🦗 came hopping by. She was being shy, though, and only let me get a picture of her butt, since as she said “It’s my best feature.”


Mom’s gone away to visit a friend for the weekend, so we’re dogsitting the little Lady. She’s great to have around, even if she is a bit of an attention addict.


Have to see about a proper long walk tomorrow. Not sure is Lady is up for the whole shebang, she’s not nearly in the same shape as Dude; we’ll see how it goes. Maybe I’ll take a purse and carry her some of the way like a good Paris Hilton. 😆

Average Last 7 Days: 18,959

Lifetime Average: 15,868

10k per Day Streak: 9
Longest Streak: 196


#AutomaticWin Tally: 100
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#TripleTen Tally: 66
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

Highest Floors: 101

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 6/8

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 80%
Satisfaction: 73%
Energy: 80%
Productivity: 70%






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