Daily Report Update And Splinter Land Games Experience Day 74


Hello friends it’s always a pleasure to have you around today, thanks so much for stopping by to check on today’s post am so grateful you did. You are highly welcome to today’s update report. How are you and your loved ones doing today, I believe you are keeping safe at home under this lock down period. God Almighty in his infinite mercy will keep and preserve us at all times to see the end of this ugly COVID 19 issue that we are facing now.

Today is another bright and wonderful day that God has made for us all, may his name be praised for the gift of life that he has given to us. The weather was calm and bright in the morning, we are still in the raining season and so the rain comes down at any time of the day.

I quickly want to drop this here, in my previous post I once talked about building up your self confidence. Life generally has a lot for us it depends on how we view it, we are different so we might not see or view things the same way. We must learn not to assume things; sometimes it put people into trouble. Getting the true fact about things especially from the right source is always advisable. So many people jump into conclusion and at the end find themselves into trouble as a result of their actions, learn not to assume things.

The splinter land games is getting more interesting by the day, with more people coming in into the game it is getting more tougher by the day, but nevertheless those with great skills will scale through difficult passages. My quest for today was the fire splinter, I actually suffered some few defeat before completing my quest for today. Here are my rewards after completion.


Thanks so much for reading this post today, am so grateful you did. Until I come your way again tomorrow please take good of yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe and bye for now.
