Short Story "Historia corta" | Eternity and Chaos "Eternidad y Caos"



I got up from that place, in silence. I took some provisions and descended.

It had been several days since I had left everything I knew. The eternal light was shining in the distance, the temple had been left behind. I did not know where the road would lead me, but I had to hurry or we would be lost. Chaos was about to begin.

(20 days before, people of Sigeth)

I woke up quickly, my breathing was agitated and I panicked, I ran destroying everything in my path, it was not yet late. I opened the window and there it was, the light was shining on the mountain of Daremus, that sacred temple guarded by ancient monks was still there, but what had that been? just a dream? I could not give it any importance, that was all it had to be.

  • Tidus! Are you all right?

Amaranta was watching me, her worried face was waiting to know what was happening but I could not tell her that, I could not worry her even more with those strange dreams.

  • Everything was fine. Come, we must have breakfast.

That day was a day of celebration, we had to be prepared because it was the 5000th anniversary of the great war, an event that changed the course of history and saved the lives of all the clans of the world, sealing "eternity" in the endless void.

  • Are we going to the temple?

  • Of course Amaranta, grandfather would hate us if we were not there.

  • I'll bring him cookies!

The trip to the mountain was full of anecdotes, laughter, and singing, the whole village attended and some nobles from far away cities must have been on their way. The ceremony commemorated not only the end of the war but the union of kingdoms for the prosperity of the world.

"Nightfall is eternal..."

A strange voice came into my head and for a second everything turned gray before my eyes.

  • Brother, is something wrong?

Amaranta watched me in confusion.

  • It's nothing, I'm just tired, let's go on.

Something was wrong, I had to tell Grandpa, he would know what to do.

  • Welcome to faraway villages, family, friends! The temple greets you and thank you for your presence!

Grandfather was the leader of the monks, a sacred order in charge of guarding the treasure of the sky, the light that covers everything, the one that was in charge of bringing peace and prosperity. In their struggle, this same light had given them a mystical power capable of controlling the elements of nature and using them to protect us from "eternity". 70 years ago, grandfather had been chosen and one day one of the monks in training would take his place, following the noble task of caring for that treasure, that temple, and humanity.

  • My children, come closer...

A few hours later and after several special ceremonies, Grandpa came closer. He was wearing a white silk cape and his face was still as bright as ever.

  • Grandfather!

Amaranta ran to him and hugged him, I watched him and winked, after this, my sister took the cookies out of her bag and handed them to him.

  • I made your favorites!

  • Let's see... they are delicious!

I smiled as I watched them, but after a second everything went dark.

"Eternity is now..."

Creatures of fog formed around me, screaming and running from one side to another, in turn, the sky was filled with stars and the earth with shadows, I could feel the despair and panic inside me and that voice laughing, whispering, and enjoying all that.

  • Tidus?

I listened to my grandfather and slowly reality was coming back.

  • What is happening to you?

I was breathing heavily, both of them saw me and my grandfather came to me with a frightened face.

  • Tidus... your eyes...

Everyone around me saw me scared, I didn't know exactly what was happening but something was about to happen.

  • Something is wrong Grandpa, she is going to escape!

  • Who?

I looked everywhere, I kept hearing her laughter in my head repeating that phrase.

  • Tidus answer me!

Look at the big quartz pillar right in the center of the temple and there, right next to it, Amaranta was accompanied by an opaque and ghostly shadow.

  • Amaranta!

A black ray furrowed the sky fracturing the great quartz pillar, Amaranta turned her gaze and in her eyes, there was only darkness.

  • Eternity is now...

From the interior of the pillar came out millions of shadows that seemed to have no end, covering everything in their path, ending any glimmer of light in that mountain and slowly devouring everything in their path.

  • Tidus! Tidus!

My grandfather was running towards me, I didn't know what was happening but this seemed to have happened before, in my dreams.

  • Grandfather, we must look for Amaranta!

  • There is no time Tidus! You must go or this will never end!

I didn't understand what he meant but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

  • Amaranta!

I tried to run but my grandfather stopped me.

  • Tidus... you must go.

My grandfather opened a mystical portal and pushed me into it without even being able to do anything.

  • Grandfather! Amaranth!

I tried to go through it again but it was impossible.

  • Forgive me Tidus! Forgive me for never telling the truth!

  • What are you talking about?! Let me go back!

I sobbed as I hit the portal and watched as everything in the temple and

I looked everywhere, I kept hearing his laughter in my head repeating that phrase.

  • Tidus answer me!

I observed the great quartz pillar right in the center of the temple and there, right next to it, Amaranta was accompanied by an opaque and ghostly shadow.

  • Amaranta!

A black ray furrowed the sky fracturing the great quartz pillar, Amaranta turned her gaze and in her eyes, there was only darkness.

  • Eternity is now...

From the interior of the pillar came out millions of shadows that seemed to have no end, covering everything in their path, ending any glimmer of light in that mountain and slowly devouring everything in their path.

  • Tidus! Tidus!

My grandfather was running towards me, I didn't know what was happening but this seemed to have happened before, in my dreams.

  • Grandfather, we must look for Amaranta!

  • There is no time Tidus! You must go or this will never end!

I didn't understand what he meant but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

  • Amaranta!

I tried to run but my grandfather stopped me.

  • Tidus... you must go.

My grandfather opened a mystical portal and pushed me into it without even being able to do anything.

  • Grandfather! Amaranth!

I tried to go through it again but it was impossible.

  • Forgive me Tidus! Forgive me for never telling the truth!

  • What are you talking about?! Let me go back!

I sobbed as I hit the portal and watched everything in the temple get eaten up by the shadows, it was completely impossible for me to get through.

  • You must travel north Tidus! Only then will you discover the truth and save us!

My grandfather smiled and after a second, the darkness devoured him, closing the dimensional portal as well. In the distance I watched as the mountain emitted a dark glow, the shadows flew away and the sky over the continent became dark.

  • Grandfather! Amaranta!

I collapsed, I didn't really know what to do. Full of anguish, fear, and pain, I hit the ground several times. I shouted, shed tears and a fury invaded me, inside I could not know what was happening but for a second something in me changed, and when I hit the ground again an explosion of light overflowed from my body.

  • What is this?

My left arm was covered with symbols that shone in that darkness, I ran and approached a stream, there I could see it.

  • My eyes.

White light like the moon illuminated my left eye, while the right one shone with a reddish flame, those that were once mahogany had changed showing a new reality.

  • What does this mean?

Several hours later I went up to the temple again, there were only shadows in it. The destruction of what was once a celebration spread everywhere, adorned with petrified statues of those who seemed to be the guests.

  • Grandfather, Amaranta!

I ran to the center of the room, the great pillar continued to shine, but from its fracture, a shadow or two continued to come out and vanish on the surface. There seemed to be no trace of anyone in that place.

  • Grandfather...

I huddled on the side of the pillar, trying to think about what was happening, in Amaranta, the words of the grandfather, what should I do? I was afraid.

"Light and shadows are part of a whole, only balance will bring peace..."

The images hit me like gusts: battles of a past life, warriors who seemed to fight without end covered by a shadow that with mocking laughter enjoyed that tragic event.

"Eternity is only one face Tidus, I am light and I am darkness..."

The shadows now bathed in fire seemed to perish before a divine light. From the skies a winged, almost disembodied creature in the shape of a dragon flew near, its golden glow bathed the earth, the warriors stopped fighting, life returned to normal. Those two creatures fought fiercely against the other, during centuries the fight was happening again, but one day everything was different.

"We are the great ancestor, separated but united at the same time, two parts of a whole, blessed with the power of the universe, together we are the balance, separated we are chaos and desolation

The sky shone, in the distance, one after the other several flashes of light were rising, from them a circle was formed just above these creatures, which, bathed by an ancestral power were enclosed and sealed, becoming a great mountain, being a whole and allowing prosperity.

"The seal has been broken Tidus, if you don't stop us, everything will happen again..."

  • what do you mean?!

I woke up in the solitude of the temple, everything was still the same.

"You will discover who you are on your journey..."

I got up from that place, in silence. I took some provisions and descended.

It had been several days since I had abandoned everything I knew. The eternal light was shining in the distance, the temple had been left behind. I did not know where the road would lead me, but I had to hurry or we would be lost. Chaos was about to begin.

Me levanté de aquel lugar, en silencio. Tome algunas provisiones y descendí.

Habían pasado ya varios días desde que abandoné todo lo que conocía. La eterna luz brillaba a la distancia, el templo habia quedado atras. No sabía a dónde me llevaría el camino, pero, debía apresurarme o estaríamos perdidos. El caos estaba por comenzar.

(20 días antes, pueblo de Sigeth)

Desperté rápidamente, mi respiración agitada y el pánico me invadió, corrí destrozando todo a mi paso, aun no era tarde. Abrí la ventana y alli seguia, la luz resplandecía en la montaña de Daremus, aquel templo sagrado custodiado por monjes antiguo seguía allí, pero ¿que había sido aquello? ¿solo un sueño? no podía darle importancia, solo eso debía ser.

— ¡Tidus! ¿estas bien?

Amaranta me observaba, su rostro preocupado esperaba saber qué ocurría pero no podía decirle aquello, no podía preocuparla aún más con aquellos sueños extraños.

— Todo está bien. Ven, debemos desayunar.

Aquel día era de celebración, debíamos estar preparados, pues se conmemoraban 5000 años de la gran guerra, un acontecimiento que cambió el curso de la historia y salvó la vida de todos los clanes del mundo, sellando a la "eternidad" en el vacío sin fin.

— ¡¿Iremos al templo?!

— Claro Amaranta, el abuelo nos odiaría si no estuviéramos allí.

— ¡Le llevaré galletas!

El viaje a la montaña estuvo lleno de anécdotas, risas y cantos, todo el pueblo asistió y algunos nobles de ciudades lejanas debían estar en camino. La ceremonia conmemoraba no solo el fin de la guerra sino la unión de reinos por la prosperidad del mundo.

« El anochecer es eterno...»

Una extraña voz se hizo presente en mi cabeza y por un segundo todo se volvió gris ante mis ojos.

— Hermano ¿pasa algo?

Amaranta me observó confundida.

— No es nada, solo estoy cansado, sigamos.

Algo andaba mal, debía decirle al abuelo, el sabria que hacer.

— ¡Bienvenidos pueblos lejanos, familia, amigos! ¡El templo les saluda y agradece su presencia!

El abuelo, era el líder de los monjes, una orden sagrada encargada de custodiar el tesoro del cielo, la luz que todo lo cubre, aquella que se encargó de traer paz y prosperidad. En su lucha, esta misma luz les había brindado un poder místico capaz de controlar los elementos de la naturaleza y usarlos para protegernos ante la "eternidad", 70 años atrás, el abuelo había sido elegido y algún día alguno de los monjes en entrenamiento tomaría su lugar, siguiendo la noble tarea de cuidar aquel tesoro, aquel templo y a la humanidad.

— Mis niños, acérquense...

Unas horas más tarde y tras varias ceremonias especiales el abuelo se acercó. Lucía una capa de seda blanca y su rostro continuaba tan reluciente como de costumbre.

— ¡Abuelo!

Amaranta corrió hacia él y le abrazó, yo le observe y guiñe un ojo, tras esto mi hermana sacó las galletas de su bolso y se las entregó.

— ¡Hice tus favoritas!

— A ver... ¡están deliciosas!

Sonreí al observarles, pero tras un segundo todo se oscureció.

«La eternidad, es ahora...»

Criaturas de niebla se formaban a mi alrededor, gritando y corriendo de un lado a otro, a su vez el cielo se llenaba de estrellas y la tierra de sombras, podía sentir la desesperación y el pánico dentro de mí y aquella voz riendo, susurrando y disfrutando de todo aquello.

— ¿Tidus?

Escuché a mi abuelo y lentamente la realidad volvía a restablecerse.

— ¿Qué te ocurre?

Respiraba agitado, ambos me veían y mi abuelo se acercó hasta mí con un rostro asustado.

— Tidus... tus ojos...

Todos a mi alrededor me veían asustados, no sabía qué ocurría exactamente pero algo estaba a punto de pasar.

— Algo está mal abuelo ¡ella va a escapar!

— ¿Quién?

Miraba a todos lados, seguía escuchando su risa en mi cabeza repitiendo aquella frase.

— ¡Tidus respondeme!

Observe el gran pilar de cuarzo justo en el centro del templo y allí, justo a su lado Amaranta era acompañada por una sombra opaca y fantasmal.

— ¡Amaranta!

Un rayo negro surcó el cielo fracturando el gran pilar de cuarzo, Amaranta giro la mirada y en sus ojos solo había oscuridad.

— La eternidad es ahora...

Del interior del pilar salieron millones de sombras que parecían no tener fin, cubriendo todo a su paso, acabando con cualquier atisbo de luz en aquella montaña y devorando lentamente todo a su paso.

— ¡Tidus! ¡Tidus!

Mi abuelo corría hacia mi, no sabia que pasaba pero esto parecía haberlo vivido antes, en mis sueños.

— ¡Abuelo debemos buscar a Amaranta!

— ¡No hay tiempo Tidus! ¡Debes irte o esto nunca acabara!

No entendía a qué se refería pero no me podía quedar allí sin hacer nada.

— ¡Amaranta!

Intente correr pero mi abuelo me detuvo.

— Tidus... debes irte.

Mi abuelo abrió un portal místico y me empujó dentro de él sin siquiera poder hacer algo.

— ¡Abuelo! ¡Amaranta!

Intente atravesarlo nuevamente pero era imposible.

— ¡Perdoname Tidus! ¡Perdoname por nunca decir la verdad!

— ¡¿De qué hablas?! ¡Dejame volver!

Sollozaba mientras golpeaba el portal y observaba como todo en el templo era devorado por las sombras, me era completamente imposible atravesarlo.

— ¡Debes viajar al norte Tidus! ¡Solo así descubrirás la verdad y con ella podrás salvarnos!

Mi abuelo sonrió y tras un segundo, la oscuridad le devoró, cerrándose también el portal dimensional. En la distanciaobservé como la montaña emitio un brillo oscuro, las sombras volaron distantes y el cielo sobre el continente se volvio oscuridad.

— ¡Abuelo! ¡Amaranta!

Me desplome, no sabía realmente qué hacer. Lleno de angustia, miedo y dolor, golpeé el suelo varias veces. Grité, derramé lágrimas y una furia me invadió, en mi interior no podía saber que pasaba pero durante un segundo algo en mí cambió y al golpear nuevamente el suelo una explosión de luz se desbordó de mi cuerpo.

— ¿Qué es esto?

Mi brazo izquierdo quedó cubierto de símbolos que brillaban en aquella oscuridad, corrí y me acerqué a un arroyo, allí pude verlo.

— Mis ojos.

Una luz blanca como la luna iluminaba mi ojo izquierdo, mientras que el derecho resplandecía con una llama rojiza, aquellos que alguna vez fueron color caoba habían cambiado mostrando una nueva realidad.

— ¿Qué significa esto?

Varias horas más tarde subí nuevamente al templo, en él no había más que sombras. Los destrozos de lo que alguna vez fue una celebración se esparció por doquier, adornado con estatuas petrificadas de los que parecían ser los invitados.

— ¡Abuelo, Amaranta!

Corrí hasta el centro de la habitación, el gran pilar continuaba brillando, pero de su fractura continuaban saliendo una que otra sombra y se desvanecía en la superficie. No parecía haber rastro de alguna persona en aquel lugar.

— Abuelo...

Me acurruque a un lado del pilar, intentaba pensar en lo que estaba pasando, en Amaranta, las palabras del abuelo ¿qué debía hacer? Tenía miedo.

«Luz y sombras son parte de un todo, solo el equilibrio traerá paz...»

Las imagenes me golpearo como rafagas: batallas de una vida pasada, guerreros que parecían luchar sin final cubiertos por una sombra que con risa burlona disfrutaba de aquel trágico acontecer.

«La eternidad es solo una cara Tidus, soy luz y soy oscuridad...»

Las sombras bañadas ahora en fuego parecían perecer ante una luz divina. De los cielos una criatura alada, casi incorpórea con forma de dragón volaba cerca de allí, su brillo dorado bañaba la tierra, los guerreros dejaban de luchar, la vida volvía a ser normal. Aquellas dos criaturas lucharon ferozmente una contra otra, durante siglos la lucha volvía a ocurrir una vez más, pero un dia todo fue diferente.

«Somos el gran ancestro, separados pero unidos a la vez, dos partes de un todo, bendecidos con el poder del universo, juntos somos la balanza, separados somos caos y desolación...»

El cielo brilló, en la distancia uno tras otro fueron elevándose varios destellos de luz, de ellos un círculo se formó justo encima de estas criaturas, las cuales, bañadas por un poder ancestral quedaron encerradas y selladas, convirtiéndose en una gran montaña, siendo un todo y permitiendo la prosperidad.

«El sello se a roto Tidus, si no nos detienes, todo volverá a pasar...»

— ¡¿a que se refieren?!

Desperté en la soledad del templo, todo seguía igual.

«Descubriras quien eres en tu viaje...»

Me levanté de aquel lugar, en silencio. Tome algunas provisiones y descendí.

Habían pasado ya varios días desde que abandoné todo lo que conocía. La eterna luz brillaba a la distancia, el templo habia quedado atras. No sabía a dónde me llevaría el camino, pero, debía apresurarme o estaríamos perdidos. El caos estaba por comenzar.

Image source | Fuente de imagen: link.


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