Showcase Sunday: 8 Month Compilation Video


It's another slow Sunday on Steem and time for #showcase-sunday. This time around I want to share a video compilation I made at the 8 month mark here on Steem. It serves as a good overall look at the sort of content I like to share minus the ramblings about Steem happenings. Those wouldn't be that exciting in this format me thinks. Enjoy!

In other news @sirwinchester, the founder and CEO of Appics commented in his latest post...

There are over 2000 different decentralized Apps worldwide - and since our update last week, our APPICS community is in the top 50!
The activity increased over 300% and there are new posts every few minutes - it's just amazing to see how actively the community is engaging.

This is really exciting to see. I always had high hopes for Appics and it looks like things are starting to really get rolling for them. It's also something to keep in mind that the app is still in an invite only mode so this activity increase is totally organic word of mouth. Very cool.

I think Appics is an interesting case study at the expansion of Steem. I've been browsing there more lately and I have indeed noticed more activity and people there are creating and sharing content that of course looks very Instagramy. When I see that I think... These people are never going to touch the "blogging" side of Steem, and that's good. This makes us stronger. I hope we get more applications like that that will at the end of the day maybe not have that much overlap. Our tendrils need to stretch far, wide, and into a diverse set of applications. It's exciting to watch play out.

So yea, get off your butt and post something. :) Happy Sunday!


Most videos, seem like they need to be speeded up when I watch them, yours however I should have slowed down. Very nice.


I enjoyed the video, but for some reason, it would not play for me in Steempeak. I had to use Steemit before it would play. You are truly an outstanding artist.
