Sonic Groove Live Week 6 - "Viaje a la paz" (Original composition on guitar) by @davidsuarezms

Esta es mi segunda entrada para el #sonicgroovelive ( #sgl ) en su semana numero 6, esta es una pieza compuesta por mi, espero les guste, disfrútenla y relájense con la música que les vengo a mostrar con todo el cariño y dedicación siempre, compartiendo buenas vibras entre todos y sin mas que decir, espero enormemente sea de su agrado, saludos y fuerte abrazo a todos amigos!!. y si les ha gustado no olviden seguirme o dejarme un comentario, siempre es bien recibido<3
This is my second entry for the #sonicgroovelive ( #sgl ) in its week number 6, this is a piece composed by me, I hope you like it, enjoy it and relax with the music that I come to show you with all the affection and dedication always, sharing good vibes between all and without more to say, I hope enormously it is of your liking, greetings and strong hug to all friends! and if you have liked it do not forget to follow me or leave me a comment, it is always well received <3


-Viaje a la paz


Sigamos compartiendo buena musica, espero les haya gustado, suerte a todos y hasta la proxima, un abrazo!!
Let's keep sharing good music, I hope you all liked it, good luck and until next time, a hug!!

