The responsibility of man as a true environmentalist to reduce climate change / global warming and its impact


Hello Wonderful Steem Community,

One of the hot topics being discussed at the local and international level these days is the impact of global warming on climate change and how we cope with it. It's a very difficult task to solve this problem, which is a creation of modern science. Rather than addressing the causes of global warming and the impacts of climate change, we now speak more about how to cope with climate change.

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The world has faced climate change in the past, present and future. There are many factors and the main factor is human activity. Global warming has caused such a climate change. Humans are the main culprit, since the causes of the growth of global warming are created by human beings.

We are now experiencing climate change every day. Whenever we are facing a prolonged drought, we look to the sky and beg. Rain is not coming in due time. The drought is getting longer. Not just prematurely, but more than adequate. Immediately above flood level. Rain is heavy enough to cause landslides No water dependence. When the drought comes shortly after, the accumulated water is inadequate. The year-round rainfall pattern we experienced some time ago is no longer there. This can be termed "climate change". Today, climate change is damaging to farming.

Source: Here

Global warming is a direct result of modern agricultural and industrial development. Global warming is the average temperature rise in the Earth over a large period of time. The release of carbon dioxide into the air by mechanical and chemical agriculture, deforestation, petroleum-fired industries, and transport has greatly contributed to global warming.

Although the impact of climate change on the impact of the developing countries is huge, it is the small countries that are most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Developed countries such as the US and China as the world's most powerful economies have a huge impact. It is regrettable that we have not taken up even the minimum measures of the country as a whole.

As a result of global warming in Greenland alone, glaciers melted between 150-250 cubic kilometers per year. About 152 cubic kilometers of glaciers are melted annually in the Antarctic. All these melting ice blocks join the sea as water. Moreover, the glacier melting of the North Pole and the South Pole also increases the temperature of the ocean as the water enters the ocean. In addition, glaciers in the oceans and glaciers in the sea can increase the water level. In the last century, sea levels have risen by about 17 centimeters. In the face of such a situation, countries like the Maldives have been completely submerged and the coastal areas of Sri Lanka have been severely eroded as a result of this global warming.

Source: Here

Global warming will pose a greater threat to all life in the future than it does today. Therefore, it is imperative that heads of state, the business community and every human being pay close attention and practicality to change this situation for future generations.

Individually, as an group or state, we must work together to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Energy use in homes and businesses can be reduced. This saves energy and money and reduces carbon emissions. To save electricity, laptops can be used away from the desktop. Hybrid vehicles can be used to maintain the vehicle properly. Provide low-carbon products and services and make sure that the general public adapts to those products and services. Fuel efficient equipment must be purchased. The lights should be switched off at all times.

We can turn to green energy, choose reusable goods, buy big bottles when buying plastic bottled foods, and refresh food instead of refrigerated. The decaying material can be composted at home and used for home gardening and flowering. We can reduce the use of polythene and plastics. You can discard polythene bags and use a durable, strong luggage. Must be familiar with reusing polythene bags. Food packing boxes can be used instead of lunch sheets. We all have a responsibility to protect the environment by building a green lifestyle.

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We need to understand our responsibility towards planet and be considerate about it. Nice post bro.


Yes of course. Thanks for stopping by bro.


Sorry I do not believe in the climate hoax.
The IPPC is political motivated. Check out the video below.
