Pusong Reservoir which is a tourist destination


The location you see is one of the western parts of the Pusong Lhokseumawe Aceh Indonesia reservoir.

The Pusong Reservoir was built by the Aceh city government of Lhokseumawe around 2008-2010 years ago, which was located in several parts of the village such as Pusong Lama, Keudee Aceh, and Mongeudong Aceh Indonesia, or precisely on the edge of the Cunda Lhokseumawe river estuary.

Pusong Reservoir, which was built with a budget of around 100 billion rupiah, is intended to function as one of the reservoirs for water so that the Lhokseumawe City area does not flood, and is also made as a tourist destination for local and outside communities.

Although it has been cleared but some people are still not aware of it, so the local government issued a regulation for garbage disposal and will be fined for anyone who is caught deliberately throwing garbage in the reservoir area.

Last year or 2010 the Pusong reservoir was completed after the hard work of each party to create a beautiful and charming atmosphere. Then gradually the Pusong reservoir has been utilized by each party to resume the goals that have been programmed.

At the end of 2010, the reservoir has been used by several people, both local and outside the community as a tourist destination. However, it is unfortunate that before the Covid-19 outbreak some parts of the reservoir were contaminated by some rubbish, this was caused by stupid hands of people who did not want to know about cleanliness at that time, so the government issued a budget to clean up the garbage in the reservoir

However, when entering early 2020 or precisely the Lockdown period, most people stop their daily activities so that the Pusong reservoir can no longer be seen scattered rubbish in the Pusong reservoir location, finally the water is clean, there is no garbage littering the Pusong reservoir.

However, the local government will still anticipate the location of waste pollution and other things that can disrupt marine life activities in the Pusong reservoir location. Clean air and clear water are one of the characteristics of Pusong Reservoir when initially functioning away from waste sourced both from humans and from the entrance of sea water.

I personally really hope that the Pusong reservoir is always as clean and beautiful as ever, which is far from all evil things that can cause water pollution in the Pusong reservoir.

This is a brief description of the state of the Pusong Lama Lhokseumawe Aceh Indonesia reservoir. Thank you very much.

Classification of photos
In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Object distancefree
Camera modeProfessional type
ThemesPusong Reservoir which is a tourist destination
Text referenceOwn ideas
