RE: The Big Bang Theory: Where did our Stone Age edge go?


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Hello @ejemai thank you for using the realityubs tag, indeed when we look at evolution there's so much to fathom, I'm a 90's kid so there's a lot I can't probably relate too from the 70's...but I'm glad I saw the transition from land telephone lines to mobile phones, for me, that was revolutional. Just the other day, I saw a documentary about Elon Musk's scientist working on a neuron device that will kill the existence of keyboards, some kids will never know the keyboard.

20 years from now there will probably be fish droids.

Your review about the stone age and evolution all the same was interesting and easy to read, we look forward to your next review.

Realityhubs Mod


I like that you saw the transition from landlines to mobile phones and it would have been more rad had you witnessed the transition of from crow messaging to postal services lol.

The things we see now that makes so many think we have arrived at the height of innovation will becomes so flawed tomorrow that you will wonder why all the fuss now.

Stay awesome!
