Possible scammer Alert


Keep your eyes peeled. Earlier this week I got this message in my discord from @chinotattooart Last Sunday at 10:43 AM:

Hello good afternoon friend, how are you doing? I am from Venezuela, Sucre cumana. I apologize for the situation at home it complicated me a lot more, I'm sick, and I don't have a computer, it was damaged and I sent it for repair but it's $ 15. Repair, I need support, at least for medicine and food for my daughter. If you can give me support or work I would appreciate it because I need it. I can draw, make logos, I can do many things.

Today, just now, they contacted me again. When they contacted me this time, I express my concern that this conversation already felt scammy. I went to their profile and found "Included in the following blacklists: spaminator." Of course, they said they were not a scam artist. Further more, going to their steemit page reveals the fact that they haven't posted in almost a year. So, he can write to me but can't post on steemit? Huh?!?! Okay, dude.

Being homeless, the only thing that I had to offer was this. They immediately ended the conversation.

Something seems fishy here.

Keep your eyes peeled.



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Hi @tristancarax

I analyze the message:
"Venezuela, Sucre cumana." It is a real place.

"I apologize for the situation at home" I don't know why but we Venezuelans apologize for everything.

"I don't have a computer, it was damaged and I sent it for repair, but it costs $ 15." My Cp broke down because of the blackouts and they asked me $ 10 that I don't have.

"I need help, at least for medicine and food for my daughter.
I'm from Venezuela. "I think all Venezuelans need help.

If you can give me support or work, I would appreciate it because I need it. I can draw, make logos, I can do many things.

Yes, he undoubtedly seeks "support" or "work." I don't know why, but something made him think that he could address you asking for this.

Although certain things can make us doubt investigating from his first post I realize that if he is Venezuelan, his drawings are very strong, some were censored.
Many of his articles are protest against the situation in the country.

I think that as a 26-year-old according to my calculation based on his first post has grown in a time of crisis in the country.
Well thank you for letting me know this young man, I am very sorry for the damage he may have caused and I also regret the damage that the "scammer" classification can cause him.

I am Venezuelan and I know what it is to be without a telephone and without a computer.
No light, no water (right now), and no internet.
And despite that, wanting to do something here on Steemit.
Happy day.

Hola @tristancarax

Analizo el mensaje:
"Venezuela, Sucre cumana". Es un lugar real

"Me disculpo por la situación en casa" No sé por qué, pero nosotros los venezolanos nos disculpamos por todo.

"No tengo una computadora, estaba dañada y la envié a reparar, pero cuesta $ 15". Mi Cp se rompió debido a los apagones y me pidieron $ 10 que no tengo.

"Necesito ayuda, al menos para medicinas y alimentos para mi hija.
Soy de Venezuela. "Creo que todos los venezolanos necesitan ayuda.

Si me puede dar apoyo o trabajo, lo agradecería porque lo necesito. Puedo dibujar, hacer logotipos, puedo hacer muchas cosas.

Sí, indudablemente busca "apoyo" o "trabajo". No sé por qué, pero algo le hizo pensar que podría dirigirse a usted preguntando por esto.

Aunque ciertas cosas pueden hacernos dudar investigando desde su primera publicación, me doy cuenta de que si es venezolano, sus dibujos son muy fuertes, algunos fueron censurados.
Muchos de sus artículos son protestas contra la situación en el país.

Creo que a los 26 años, según mis cálculos basados ​​en su primer puesto, ha crecido en un momento de crisis en el país.
Bueno, gracias por informarme a este joven, lamento mucho el daño que pudo haber causado y también lamento el daño que la clasificación de "estafador "puede causarle a el.

Soy venezolano y sé lo que es estar sin teléfono y sin computadora.
Sin luz, sin agua (en este momento), y sin internet.
Y a pesar de eso, querer hacer algo aquí en Steemit.
Día feliz.


I appreciate the thoughtful response.

I am by no means against ALL Venezualians.

I still think as I do because he ended the conversation right after I said that I had one option for him. Something didn't feel right. Honestly, his message sounds like to me a message these "pretty girls" from another country send to my inbox on the regular.

I'm homeless so I can completely understand what one might be going through; although, I can find something to eat on a regular basis.
